Dear Claire,
Today is your one month birthday,
and I cannot believe it. The past month seems to have rushed by in a blur (part
of that was medication, I realize), and I'm a little sad about it.
Maybe I should have been taking more
pictures and capturing video of you, but most of the time, I didn't want to
leave you to go get the camera or stop watching your funny faces long enough to
turn on the camera, if I did have it nearby. You make the funniest faces in
your sleep, morphing from the most tragic of sad expressions to happy, old
man/toothless grins in a matter of seconds. I could watch it all day long. Oh
wait...that's what I do. :)
You're very kinesthetic and rather
strong (the pediatrician even said that!). You were rolling completely onto
your side when you were 3 weeks old. Your legs are in motion constantly, and
your hands are never ever still. You have quite a few signature hand movements,
too. My very favorite one is when you interlace your fingers like you're
praying. Ah, so cute! Your dad's favorite is when you do "t-rex hands" pull
them up so close to your chest just like a t-rex. We'll reenact it for you one
day. One of the funniest things you do is grasp your ear between your knuckles.
Not sure why you do it, but we love it. Because you love to move your hands so much, you turn into Houdini Baby at night, busting out of your swaddle all the time. Silly girl. You also point your toes
(ballerina-style), stretch out your legs (like you're doing pilates), put the soles of your feet together (like, sort of lotus position), and ooch
your way into sleeping positions that you like better than whatever ones we've put you
You're still on the smallish side, so your clothes don't always fit you super well. On top of that, you love to wad your feet up inside your footed onesies, so the legs of the sleeper flop around. It's so funny. Your aunt, Bo, was so surprised at how tiny of a ball you can wad yourself into. She's now seen the footed sleeper phenomenon.
You also cannot keep any socks on those feet of yours. Bless your heart.
You like your paci, but you're not completely attached to it. When you do want it, you hold it in your mouth by pushing your fist or palm or the back of your hand against it. Then, you fall asleep that way, and we can't stop chuckling about it. At least I can't.
Things you love: lights and shiny things, furry things (like your furry bear coat or my furry blankets that are in the living room), and wearing hats. You've also started SMILING! Maybe it'll be your favorite...? You've smiled at me and Daddy and Nana. Intentionally- not just in your sleep (which you've been doing for a while).
You breathe really fast when you're excited (like when you know you're about to get food), and you "play possum" (as Daddy calls it) when you're nervous or scared (like at the doctor's office). One day, I'll have your dad show you what you looked like at your very first doctor's appointment. It's hilarious! I wasn't there, because I was still recovering from your birthday, but I love watching your Daddy act it out.
You sleep like a champ and are so quiet, letting Mom and Dad sleep as best we can. You're such a doll, and I thank God for that part of your personality.
We love your little "angry rhinoceros" sounds while you sleep, and we love the way you snuggle up into our necks during snuggle time. A little burrowing bear, you are. We love to pick you up and hate to put you down. We pray over your little life and ask God to protect you and guide you, and, as we pray in church each week, we pray that you "would never know a day apart from Him."
Oh, also: you're still so small that we change your diapers on the end of the coffee table. We live such a glamorous life. :)