Here is a sampling of how our days go:
To get the day started, Claire enjoys a sippy cup of warm gok (milk) and a bowl of oat-no (oatmeal). Brad then changes her dypuh (diaper) and puts on her hat, boo (boots) and haddah (headband), even though we aren't immediately going anywhere or even changing her out of her jammies (she is really into accessories, y'all).
These boots are well-loved.
One of many headbands.
Mommy comes downstairs and is greeted with a "MOMMY! UPUPUP!" before even getting off the stairs. Kisses are exchanged (and a mini-nose wiped this time of year) before launching into a list of potential activities for the day (list generated by Claire, not Mommy...Mommy just wants breakfast). First request is always Doh (Curious George, not play-doh. We haven't embarked on that childhood adventure yet.). If Mommy doesn't respond to her request for Doh, she immediately follows up with Hunny (Hundley is George's dachshund friend).
Mommy counters with the suggestion of reading (I try to limit tv to in the evening when I'm cooking dinner and need a distraction for the Bear). She begins listing some favorite books, which typically include Cow-we-you (Corduroy) and Skeeeek (Babylit The Hound of the Baskervilles is a book of onomatopoeia, one of which is "screech." That one took me a while to figure out.).
Reading "Bossy." Mommy can only read this one so many times before getting sad and missing Bossy too much. Note the necklace...I'm telling you: accessories.
After reading those (plus a few others), Claire begins asking for a sack (snack), and Mommy redirects with other suggestions (because it is not even close to time for snack yet). Claire asks (enthusiastically) to go ahSIE (outside) to blow bubbos (bubbles), look at twees (trees) and watch skuhs (squirrels). Sometimes we do this, depending on the weather, and other times, we stay inside for warmer activities, like cah-yee (coloring) or stuck-uh (stickers). When she's bored with that, she'll ask to spend time with or call various friends and loved ones, like Wichee (local friend named Richie), Nana, Poppy, Gah (Gran), and Pah-pah (Grandpa).
Around mid-morning, Mommy <finally> agrees that it can be snack time, so we put on a bob (bib) and begin going through the list of snack options: cacky (oyster crackers), wingy (raisins), seerio (Cheerios), yogi (yogurt), appy (apples), namia (bananas), and pow pow (fruit pouches). Oh, and of course, wah wah (water, not to be confused with Way-Way...who is Aunt Ray Ray).
A yogi day.
Found "A seerio!" under the fridge.
Our day continues with more play time, errands, general housework, lunch, and naptime.
Post naptime, it's time again for a snack, but this snack is usually served in her COP (snack cup...but always said loudly and emphatically). Before it's time to watch Doh while Mommy cooks supper, we may go ahSIE to the park to play on the sie (slide). Claire always asks for sahns (songs) so that she can dass (dance). The song asked for is usually Essa (Elsa = "Let It Go"). We also sing songs that she learned from the local library programs, like "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Guy Skuh" ("Gray Squirrel"). Sometimes, if she's feeling ambitious, she'll ask to watch Diddio (Veggietales "If I Sang a Silly Song") instead of Doh (I usually decline, as we like to save Diddio for special occasions).
At dinner time, we put Claire (who calls herself Care- minus the "r" sound- by the way) in her see (seat) so that we can pay (pray). She demands hahn (hands to hold for praying) and always says, "Ah-men!" Her favorite item to see on the table is buh (bread...but can also "bird" if she sees one outside). After dinner, she immediately asks for a baff (bath) and to play with ties (toys) in the tub.
Following bathtime, she likes to help bush (brush) her teeth and hair before heading to her room for a stowee (Bible story). We read a story from her Storybook Bible and pray for friends and family. Then it's time for kisses! And saying night-night (which can also mean Goodnight Moon or the "Goodnight, Junior" song from Veggietales- it's all about context clues) to owies (owls on her mobile), turning off yights (lights), and pointing out the fuh (fan- not to be confused with flower or fire). She snuggles up to Mimi (Lambsy) and Fotsi (Flatsy) and drifts off to sleep.
There are many other words that are said throughout the day (MANY words). Some words are said only in certain contexts (like tactoh- tractor- at Gran's and Grandpa's house or tuck- truck- while driving down the interstate), and some things are mentioned very randomly (like gassies- glasses); this is a list of her regularly scheduled vocab. I know there are things I'm forgetting. Hopefully, I'll remember them before she grows a little more and her language grows with her. I'm honestly not in a hurry. She's growing fast enough as it is. Oi.