We had a conversation last week that was pretty telling about her understanding of sin. It went a little something like this:
Erin: What are some examples of sin, Claire?
Claire: Um...disobeying?
Erin: That's right. And being unkind to Lily. Or saying things that aren't true. Or being ugly and disrespectful to Mommy and Daddy. Everybody does sinful things like this. Every single person except one. There's only be one person who never did those things. Do you know who that was?
Claire: Claire.
We, apparently, have some work to do in that department.
I thought I'd show you the insides of our Resurrection Eggs, in case you were wondering what our process looks like. Again, they're designed to be used in the days leading immediately up to Easter, but we start them at the beginning of Lent so that we can spend a few days on each one. I think it helps with such a young learner to have it repeated so much.
The set of Resurrection Eggs that we are using contains 12 eggs: 11 containing symbols and an empty one.
The contents.
1. Leaf. This one represents Palm Sunday. We sing a "Hosanna" song when we open this one. It's Claire's favorite.
2. Bread (oyster cracker). This represents the Last Supper.
3. Silver (coins). This represents the money Judas was paid to betray his friend.
4. Purple cloth and thorns. This represents the robe and crown of thorns used to hurt and humiliate Jesus.
5. Whip (rope). This represents the beating Jesus received (really bad spankings that hurt Jesus very badly).
6. Cross. For this one, we talk about how Jesus was made to carry his cross up the hill but that he was hurt so badly and it was so heavy that another man had to help him. She's extremely interested in Simon.
7. Nails. This represents the nails used for Jesus' hands and feet.
8. King of the Jews sign. This represents the sign that Pilate hung on Jesus' cross.
9. Sponge and spear (kitchen sponge and toothpick). These represent the wine Jesus was given and the spear used to pierce His side. This is significant because they fulfill prophecies.
10. Spices. This represents the spices used on Jesus' body for His burial.
11. Stone. This represents the stone used to seal Jesus' tomb.
12. Empty egg. This represents the empty tomb!
I know we're doing this for Claire, but it's quite good for me, too. It's a great, regular reminder of the elements involved in Jesus' death and resurrection, which is very appropriate for Lent. Does anyone else do these, and if so, do you use a different set up? I'm open to adapting this, if another/better setup is out there.