Claire was, for sure, funny in February. Enjoy!
After alerting me to Lily climbing something.
I'm the watcher, and you're the director.
Mommy, you ruined her life.
After I told Lily "no" about something, and she wasn't happy.
Well, Mommy, here's the question.
Don't have any idea what the question was, but this build up was great.
Whoever looks like who gets to share.
I shared pizza crust with Claire, and Brad shared his with Lily. Claire hears all the time that she looks like me and Lily looks like Brad. This was obviously the connection.
The horses are going to Bethlehem.
Playing with horses, rather than watching the Super Bowl. As we do.
Referring to the Patriots during the Super Bowl.
Erin: Claire, that's the Boston team.
Claire: Oh, the Boston team is MY TEAM!
Note: I realize they are the "New England Patriots," and are, in fact, located in Foxboro, not Boston. HOWEVER, Boston claims them, guys. Trust me on this one.
Watching the Super Bowl, noticing the players standing back up after a tackle.
They're trying to be kind now.
Sting like a beaver!
Lightening McQueen of Cars says, "Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beamer." We've, apparently, misheard it.
During a migraine of mine.
I know God is here with you. He'll make you feel better.
Lily put oatmeal in her mouth with her hand. Will you keep an eye on her?
Claire: This horsey is the mommy, and this one is the daddy.
Brad: Oh yeah? How can you tell?
Claire: Look at the EYES.
I think Nana will be the first customer of my birthday presents!
I see those sleepy eyes, you silly little stinker-boo!
Referring to a very drowsy Lily.
Erin: We need to trim your nails. They're getting dangerous.
Claire: NOOO! I need them for bad guys.
I'm your Snuggle, Mommy.
I want to stay up early tonight!
Daddy, that's Chloe Kim, and she's our people, and she's an American. I saw her flag and heard her name.
Watching women's snowboarding during the Olympics.
I'll send my guard baby with you.
Referring to Lily accompanying me somewhere.
Lily, here's your medal for being the best baby.
Oh, you're an angry sheep!
Lily was baa-roaring.
They're sending me to Australia, Mommy. I'll see you at Pentecost.
Zombie = Zamboni
Note: by the end of the Olympics, she was actually calling them zambonis.
Today is the worstest day I've never had.
Eeky sauce = Taziki sauce
Would you put me into the containment?
She wanted to be put into the play yard (which I often call the "baby containment unit") to do something free of Lily's involvement.
Uh oh, Mommy. China got in the way.
Speed skating.
After I told her that the new baby can hear her when she talks. Also. Can you tell some of the behaviors we've been addressing lately?
New Baby, here are rules for when you're born: You can't bite your nails. You can't be wild when you turn 4. You can't roll your eyes at people when they say things.
Now I like things more than I really do.
Referring to food that she decided didn't taste as bad as she used to think it did.
While playing with an old rotary phone.
Hello, Lily! I'm on speaker!
Blowing bubbles.
That's a kiss bubble to let you know I love you.
I know all the birthdays. January, February, March...
Birthdays = Months
Brad: You just didn't know what to do with yourself, did you?
Claire: Of course, I did! Don't joke on me, Daddy!
Erin: What did you wish for?
Claire: I wished for my very own flying carpet!
Lily, Lily, Lily! I found something really dangerous! Come with me!
Checker Public = Czech Republic
Luge-ing again
I can't get her. You take over.
When I asked her to get Lily out of my bathroom.
Brad: Claire, you should sleep in tomorrow.
Gran: That's a good idea, Claire.
Claire: Or, maybe we could sleep longer!
Brad: Yes. That would work.
Text I sent after we told Claire the Olympics were almost over:
"Claire is currently sobbing because I told her the Olympics are almost over and the next ones aren't for 2 more years..."
2-man bobsled
Overheard from our bedroom before Brad went in to get the girls up for the day:
Are you a little lump? Who's that little lump? Hi, little lump!
Brad went in to their room to find Lily "hiding" under her blanket, being a lump, and Claire pretending along with Lily. It was precious and gave us hope that they'll be able to entertain themselves in the years to come.