Friday, March 2, 2012

The Expectorating Challenge

Gross title, I know. It seemed appropriate for this character, though. Before I post the pictures, I should note that Amiee and I started a new "theme" this month: villains. I'm rather excited, as my wardrobe is very well-suited for villainy (read: I have a lot of black clothing). Here's the beginning-of-March picture:

Brad liked that I posed so that my "chin looked bigger." I wasn't sure how to take that at first, but then he pointed out that it fits my character...

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast! He does have a rather large chin, I guess. I prefer to think of it as "strong." I was always a little afraid of Beauty and the Beast. I think it's because I hated that her father is in trouble and she has to be so brave. And the Beast freaked me out, too. However, I feel a connection to the story, as every "which Disney princess are you" quiz pegs me as Belle. I'm fairly certain it's because I like to read. Figures.

Weekly breakdown...

Character: Gaston

*Red top from Wal-Mart in Richmond, VA 2008. I remember it very specifically because I got it the week that I went to Conference to determine where I would be spending my two years as a Journeyman. In fact, this shirt made it through the tornado (side note: the other shirt I bought that week was the shirt I was wearing the night of the was pretty much ruined)
*Belt...I've had it since high school. I don't know when or where I got it.
*Black skirt is the same one I've worn a couple of times. Old Navy...high school. I might wear it until I die.
*Same Clark's boots as always.
*Earrings came from Budapest- the first time I went in 2009. I love them.

Disneybound inspiration board:

Eh...this one is closer to the inspiration board than some of my outfits/not as close as others. I liked it, so I think it was a winner. And, to clarify the "expectorating" part of the title, here's a little clip for ya. I sang the song basically all day. Brad was getting a little bit tired of it. Bless him- he's a good sport. Maybe I can get him to be a "guest character" for you sometime. Any support for that idea?

Images from here and here.

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