Monday, May 9, 2016

Around here lately: April 2016 edition

She's still at it, guys. Enjoy!

Me: I don't know, man.
Claire: I'm not 'man.' I'm Claire Elizabeth Boswell!

Mommy, if you need help, ask me- Claire Elizabeth Boswell!

Anyone: How's your breakfast, Claire?
Claire: Yessssss!

Checking out the case of desserts at Aladdin's.

About to eat one of the desserts!

Anyone: How are you?
Claire: How are you?

I'm going to obey Nana and not say "No!" to her!

Can I hold you? Hold you hold you hold you?

(When leaving the hospital) No! I want to stay here and take care of Lily!

(Singing "You Are My Sunshine") You'll never know, MOMMY, how much I love you!

Trying out the new double stroller.

Gran, would you put your hands in your lap when I take care of Lily? (translation: don't help me- I can do it myself)

Can we ride the alligator? (translation: elevator)

It sounds like I need to go tee-tee... (note: she has her senses a little confused. There's not actually anything to hear when she says this.)

Daddy just went potty! Great job, Daddy! (announced to a room full of people)

That's my baby sister, Wiwwy.

(pre-potty discussion) No, thank you. I don't need any help. I just need some privacy.

Nana, I'm sorry part of your straw is missing. I ate it.

Eating fake corn with a friend whose mommy brought us real food for supper.

Sometimes my eyes get wet when I cry.

Can I watch her have the hiccups?

Being a Helper.

(at the store) 
Poppy: I will buy this stuffed Lightening McQueen for you, but you can't have it until you go poop in the potty.
Claire: We better put it back.

This Coke is spicy.

Poppy, you're so fun!

(Nana drops her phone on her foot) You can shake it off like this, Nana. (does full-body wiggle)

Claire: I made a bad decision and made a mess with my cereal.
Erin: That makes me sad to hear you made a bad decision. Why did you do that?
Claire: That means no television! No square nuts! No Christmas George! And no vitamins!
(Note: I did not tell her that she would lose any of these things. She imposed this punishment on herself. Bless.)

I was in your tummy then the doctor got me out and I was a little baby just like Wiwwy.

Is she done hicking-upping?

She said this was her "Rapunzel hair."

I just need some space.

Woo hoo! That's wonderful!

We may eat foot-long hot dogs from Costco, but we're classy, by George, and eat them with our pinkies up.

Good morning, Mommy. How are you feeling?

Don't worry, Baby Sister. Don't cry. We're just taking care of you.

It's raining TOO much!

That's the biggest tree I've ever seen!

Erin: I think she's thinking. (in reference to Lily)
Claire: About ME!

Grandpa! Come back! OBEY!

Holy cow! That's wet! (when realizing the playground slide was wet)

Daddy, you're amazing! (when Brad brought her a car that she wanted to play with)

I'm going to build an exceedingly tall tower.

Mrs. Katie, do you like the tall tower my daddy built? (referring to our entertainment center)

I need to keep ice and warm.

Mommy, don't drive off and leave Nana! (note: I was not going to do that. I wasn't even going to be the one driving, as I was still on painkillers.)

Doing her first puzzle!

What's wrong, Baby? Mommy, I think she wants her wubbanuck! (translation: Wubbanub)

I'll be Mary and you can be Jofuss, Mommy. Wiwwy can be baby Jesus, and Nana can be the angel.

(when a character on a dvd asks the children where they want to go on an airplane) MINNESOTA! And Alabama.

Mommy, I want you to have my medal. (a lei that she was wearing like an Olympic medal)

"Watch, Mommy!"


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