Monday, May 29, 2017

Around here lately: May 2017 edition

Hope you enjoy!

When I grow up, I want to do grown-up things like drink coffee and make pizza.

Mommy, your arm feels different from a dinosaur bone.

Looking at a map I have of Boston in the 1700's:
Erin: That's a map of Boston from a long time ago.
Claire: WE lived in Boston a LONG TIME AGO!

Looks in Lily's ear with the play otoscope: MEOW!

As we walked across the parking lot to our car from the sno-cone shop:
Erin: Did you have a good time?
Claire: Yeah. I just miss it.

Fun games at Pelican's Sno-Balls

After eating a beef jerky sample from Costco and letting it dribble down her chin:
Erin: How did it get out of your mouth??
Claire: Sometimes, when you talk, food comes out of your mouth.

Quoting from Madeline, with her own twist:
I love my mommy, I love my baby, but most of all, I love my DADDY!

Um, excuse me, Mr. Daddy, but Lily is reaching for your drink.

I'm just being friends with Mommy.

The garbage truck is coming to rescue our trash!

I was upstairs with Daddy. We were just hanging out together.

It rained so our trees could grow. God did that for us!

Mommy, I like you. I'm going to be sweet to you.

Referring to a very minor boo-boo on her foot:
My skin is BROKEN!

Claire knows that my first name is Erin, and she also knows that she's not allowed to call me Erin. So, she came up with a way around it:
Claire: Ok, we're going to play a game. Daddy, you be Pharaoh. I'll be Moses. Mommy, you can be AARON!

I'm doing lift-ups. (push ups)

I'm staying in the lines of bubbles, but when they pop, I'll get new ones.

The me and the bug are playing together! 

Erin: Who would you like to pray for tonight?
Claire: I want to pray for my watcher. (babysitter)

If I behave goodly, I won't lose that privilege.

This is a game for a mommy and a girl.

I want to speak Greek like you one day, Daddy. I'm going to be a doctor of philosophy.

I helped with the "r" and the "e."

He leads me beside still waters. He destroys my soul.

I'm distracting myself.

Referring to a police car next to us at a traffic light:
Look at that car with the silly hat!

Referring to dew on the windshield on a chilly morning:
There's brisk on the window.

After our fish died:
Erin: So we need to be thankful for the time we had Percy and for how beautiful he was.
Claire: I AM happy about that! But I'm sad.

Driving is the long ways, but flying is the short ways.

As she was bemoaning not finishing her food first at dinner:
Excuse me, Mommy-Daddy. I'm the one that didn't beat you, and you beat me, and that's why I'm sad.

Just hanging out on a box in the kitchen.

After Lily fell and bumped her head:
Poor Lily...sometimes she hurts herself.

Claire: Potatoes hurt your tummy.
Erin: Regular potatoes, I was saying "sweet potatoes," she jumped in with:
Claire: Not PRETEND potatoes!

Erin: Emma and Toby and Richie with be there.
Claire: Yay! Those are my favorite children!

Claire came in while I was sorting through a mountain of laundry. She spotted a pair of her underwear and started burrowing in the pile. 
Erin: What are you doing?
Claire: I'm going on a panty dig!

Asking me where I purchased Claire's vitamins:
Brad: Erin, where do we get Claire's vitamins?
Claire: You get them from the laundry room. where we store them at home

We have to wait inside until the sun comes up to dry all the yucky.

Claire's Sunday school class has been talking about upcoming Pentecost. On the liturgical calendar, Pentecost is represented by the color red, so when the SS teachers go around the calendar with the kids, they talk about "red hot Pentecost." Claire is convinced that the day of Pentecost (Sunday, June 4) is going to be scorching.
Mommy, Pentecost is going to be so hot. How should we cool off: the pool, the beach, or a fan? I think I'll choose the pool, you can choose the beach, and Daddy can have a fan.

I let Claire have the last bagel for breakfast, and Brad tried to get Claire to thank me for being "thoughtful" and "selfless":
Thank you for being thoughtless, Mommy!

I had a choke!

After royally tangling her dolls hair:
Look, Mommy! I made a spider web in her hair!

The sisters who read together...

Lily has been doing these squats recently:
Lily is doing ballet!

Erin: Lily just wants your attention.
Claire: I want my own 'ttention!

eFISHment = efficient

red splinters = blisters

We've been watching The Great British Baking Show recently, and she's been very interested:
Who has the best bake?

Also about The Great British Baking Show:
Erin: Let's watch the bakers.
Claire: Yes, let's surely do!

Erin: What are you playing?
Claire: I'm going on a date!

I have 4 balls here. If I give you one, then I have 3!

Princesses don't wear socks.

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