Friday, February 26, 2016

Letter to my Little Bear: Year 3

Dear Bearsy,

Oi. Another revolution of the planet around the sun has brought us to another birthday for you. I know parents say it all the time, but time is flying. Or, rather, that other thing they say: The days are long but the years are short. It's a platitude for a reason; it's so true. Some days feel interminable (not because I don't love hanging out with just have so much energy) and like I'm totally ruining your life with my parenting choices, and some days fly by with busyness or just how cute and sweet you can be. 

On your 2nd birthday (2015)

Birthday Par-TAY 2015

Winter 2015

I'm so unbelievably grateful that I get to stay home with you all day every day. We have a lot of fun! Some of our favorite things to do are paint with your water colors, go to the museum, play with your cars, visit with friends your age, sing songs, read books, work together in the kitchen, clean the bathrooms (it's true- you love to do this), work on laundry (you love to do this, too), eat picnics on the floor of the living room, play with your princess dolls, and watch Curious George. We change things up pretty often and do things like go to Target to walk around and get popcorn. Or go to Chick-Fil-A for drinks and playing on the playground. You're a pretty happy-go-lucky little bear, so we can have fun doing all kinds of things.

Cow Appreciation Day!

Popcorn at Target.

You've accomplished a lot this year, too! First of all: you finally got some hair! I know. We have all be marveling over it. It's so soft and is still curly, even after a couple of trims. We put it in piggy tails most of the time, which is a hit everywhere we go because it's basically the cutest. You also transitioned to your big girl bed like a champ. We asked you over and over if you were ready, and you repeatedly said "no." Until you just decided that it was time. Once you made up your mind, there was no turning back. You sleep in a bed that used to live at Granddaddy's house, with your matroshka pillow that Laura Kay made you, and your first birthday quilt that Mrs. Tidwell made you. You're pretty much surrounded by reminders of people who love you every time you go to sleep! 

Before you had much hair...

I won't linger on this one, but I will acknowledge it: you're mostly potty-trained. You have the easy part of potty training down pat, but the more difficult part of pottying is still a work in progress. And that's where I'll leave it.

Super Claire for Halloween

You've been learning to do chores and daily tasks, too, which just reminds me of what a grown little person you are. I'm simultaneously really proud and relieved and also a little sad that you're such a big girl that you can be so independent. You've learned to take your dishes to the sink after eating, you help in sweeping up under your chair after meals (because you make BIG messes), you help make your bed and brush your teeth, and you've become pretty adept at changing your own clothes. These are all excellent skills that we are excited about. Especially with a new baby coming, when we're going to want you to be able to take care of some things on your own. Whew.

Although this looks like a selfie, it actually wasn't. And, it's a favorite of mine.

One of the things that we find so very helpful and also keeps us in stitches is your ability to talk like a small adult. You're really quite articulate. You can almost always tell us what you're thinking about or describe to us what you want or need. It is so very handy, especially when compared to the phase of life where we had to guess everything. Here are a few favorite quotes from the past year:

when asked to say the 23rd Psalm for Gran, Grandpa, and Ray Ray while FaceTiming: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, and He gives me M&M's."

said any time the concept of a nap is mentioned: "But it's such a good morning!"

Chatting with the bathtub menagerie.

"I have to pay the tickle tax!" (your response when Daddy won't let you pass until he tickles you thoroughly) variation: "Don't tickle me tax, Daddy!"

"Go, toes, go!" (an encouragement to your toes when putting your feet into your pants/tights/socks)

Daddy, coming downstairs and seeing you in the bathroom: "Whatcha doing, Claire?"
You: (singing a made-up tune) "I'm sitting on the potty! I'm sitting on the potty! I'm sitting on the potty BEE-DEE-HA!"

Kat: See you later, alligator!
You: See you later, Crocodile!

(during a post-nap meltdown wherein you were crying uncontrollably, didn't want to leave your room, didn't want me in your room, and refused to calm down.)
You: "Could you leave?"
Me: "No."
You: "Could you close the door and go on the other side?"

"I put them in the tunnels." (referring to putting your arms into the sleeves of your shirt)

While drawing on your MagnaDoodle with intense focus:
Me: What are you doing, Claire?
You: I'm studying German.

As I was correcting you for your attitude:

Me: You are getting too big for your britches.
You: But I want to wear them.

After I had been fighting a week-long headache-migraine marathon, you asked me what was wrong. When I answered that I wasn't feeling well, you replied, "Jesus will love your heart, and Claire and Daddy will take care of you. Don't worry."

We're also really proud of how you've worked hard to overcome your fear of being left in the nursery at church. I know it was very scary and left you feeling so uncertain, but you did a great job of summoning your courage and learning to trust us that we will always come back for you. It has enabled us to become more involved at church and at Bible study, which has been a huge gift. We are so thankful for your ability to work hard on overcoming your fear and develop your courage.

Daddy took this picture of you, and it melted my heart when I saw it.

It's also been really exciting to watch you learn to pray (both the Lord's Prayer and prayers from your heart) and start learning small passages of scripture (the Lord's Prayer, Isaiah 9:6, and Psalm 23). It makes us very glad to see you learning things about God! It also makes us glad to see when you show kindness to others and concern for them when they are sad or don't feel well. And recently, you've also been very sensitive to when you've acted ugly and need to apologize. This is an excellent trait to develop, and we are so proud of you.

This was the first time that you said, "I love you, Daddy!" unprompted by us.

You've had a pretty travel-y year! You usually do, you lucky duck. You've made numerous trips to both Tennessee and Alabama to visit family, but you've also spent time sightseeing in Savannah, Georgia, having a blast at Universal in Orlando, Florida (plus a short visit with Ben, Molly, and James in Jacksonville), beaching at Topsail Island, North Carolina (which you call "Cofagnana"), and touring around Charleston, South Carolina while visiting Takia. That's 5 states (not including North Carolina)- well done! We'll see what we can add during this next year. I'm pulling for Virginia and D.C., personally.

Ready to travel, guys.

You found out this year about getting a baby sister. That is BIG news for a little girl. At first, you kind of ignored it, but you've really started warming up to the idea. We talk about Baby Sister everyday, and you like to imagine things that we're going to do with her when she finally shows up. Most importantly, you just know that she is going to bring you a birthday cake (a pink one with strawberries and blueberries, by the way). We're pretty confident that you're going to be a great big sister and take such good care of her. I hope you grow up to be best friends (and that you're not too bossy...good luck with that one. It's a big sister thing. I'm pretty sure Bo still finds me bossy.)

Snow day 2016!

This past year has been a really wonderful year with you; we have thoroughly enjoyed watching you learn things and master things and say things. You've made us laugh SO HARD so many times, and yes, you've provided us with opportunities to practice patience and gentleness and self-control. We've been baffled by some parenting issues and have felt like we had no clue what to do on several occasions. I've heard people say that "every age is my favorite age," and so far, I've found that to be true for myself with you. We feel so very blessed that God entrusted you to us, and we are so thankful for all the days we've had with you. We can't wait for all the days that are to come. You are just our very favorite little bear, and WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW.

Happy 3rd birthday, Bearsy.

Mommy and Daddy-o

*If you want to read through any of the other letters I've written her, click on the Letter to my Little Bear label underneath this post. It should take you to all of the previous letters. 

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