Thursday, October 6, 2016

Around here lately: September 2016 edition

I'm really glad that I started jotting down Claire's comments. I thoroughly enjoy reading back over them, and I know I'll enjoy it even more as she gets older and so much of her little girl comments give way to big girl thoughts. (*sniff*) I hope you enjoy them, too!

(Lily in crib, Claire standing next to her) Wiwwy is wicking my hand. She's holding my hand! I think she wants to take me somewhere. When she gets bigger, I'm going to teach her how to sleep in my bedroom. And how to make pie and cake and how to hold her breath.

(kissing Lily's bandaids, post shot day) I think she wants me to kiss it to make it feel better.

(relentless rain for several days) We've got to stop the rain somehow...

Hey! Fixer Upper! Mommy, they aren't looking at me... (attempting to talk to Chip and JoJo on the tv)

War Eagle! She knows how to strike a pose.

(as I finish up some laundry) You're a good cleaner, Mommy. You clean a lot of things. (she is SO right about this)

Good night, good night, dear Mrs. Mommy. (we are very into Madeline these days. The girls say "Good night, good night, dear Miss Clavel." Claire modified it to suit her needs.)

Did I just spot the gendarmes? (again, we're very into Madeline. I introduced her to a Madeline movie, and when Madeline is talking to the police, Claire recognized them from the page in her book and even used the French word! Ooh la la!)

Are you going to be a bad guy or a happy guy? (her terms for bad guy and good guy. I like it.)

We're not actually confused about which SEC team we are loyal to; we're Auburn fans. However, Brad's aunt and uncle gave Claire this dress, and we are nothing if not sartorial around here.

I am walking on the road from Jerusalem down to get pizza! (She was acting out the story of The Good Samaritan. Or, at least, her own interpretation of it...)

Mommy, I be-ed good!

(to Brad) Would you dance me?

Erin: Can I call you 'Claire Bear' forever?
Claire: That would be fine with me.

(in response to our friends leaving after a play date) I will be sad FOREVER!

(while praying before bed) "...and thank you for me as I have a better attitude tomorrow."

(at the Boswells' party, after playing for quite a while with a little friend who was very enthusiastic about Claire and perhaps a little clingy) Um, I need a little space.

(to Bill and Barbara, as we left Johnson City for home, post-party) You can keep your hat; we're not going to take that. We're going to take the cake. And you can't keep Lily. We need to take her home with us.

That's a lot of toes! (there was a large poster of die-cut feet on the children's hall at the Boswells' church, and you know how she feels about toes.)

(clips hair bow onto her toe) Toe is the beautiful with this bow!

(Lily trying to wriggle out of her swing before I get her seat harness clipped) We gotta strap that girl up!

Look! Daddy fixed my necklace! He's a good helper.

This is a fun bunch, guys. Even though Lily looks miserable. She wasn't.

That's so sweet of you to give me bites! (after I shared my bagel with her)

I don't see a giant mess...just a little bunch of messes. (referring to our living room buried under her toys)

Storms are very loud. Storms wake up babies.

Erin: Your voice is kinda gone.
Claire: I gotta get it back! You have to feel me better!

I think Wiwwy is saying, "Mommy, would you roll me over for some back time?" (as Lily was "talking" very loudly during tummy time)

(Erin picks up Lily) I'll take her!

Erin: You were born in Boston, Bear.
Claire: I was born in Possum, Wiwwy!

Watching a YouTube video of James Taylor and "playing" along. But look at her form, holding that ukulele!

Erin: I'm trying to figure out what that big ol' truck is doing. (watching an 18-wheeler that couldn't pick a lane)
Claire: (watched truck for a moment) Mommy, that big ol' truck is just driving.

(watching Finding Nemo) Nemo's daddy isn't wearing a puddle jumper (child's life jacket).

(after her first viewing of a movie on a big screen) I miss the movie! Maybe sometime I can go back to the movie.

Today is waffle punkin day!

Claire: What's this?
Brad: It's a hushpuppy.
Claire, looking around: Where??

(Lily is crying; we are letting her cry it out a little. Claire, through the monitor in her own room while trying to fall asleep) Does she need someone?

Claire: I'm getting bigger and bigger. Like Jesus.
Erin: I know. Could you stop?
Claire: But...would you let me grow up, please? Like Jesus?

This girls slays me, y'all.

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