Friday, May 14, 2021

Brynnie chats: March 2021 edition

Mommy, I lost you! During nap. But I found you.
Note, reader: I was never lost. She just meant that she went to sleep and I wasn't there.

Bye bye, Alligator!
See ya later, Alligator!

Brynn, while playing
My daddy's a jolly good fellow! My daddy's a jolly good fellow!

Walking upstairs by herself, said as a mantra
I'm a brave girl. I'm a brave girl.

I want to play Critters.
She LOVES Calico Critters. They just go by "Critters" around here, and it is very cute.

God pushed me down with a poke.
After she fell down, tripping over seemingly nothing

Ding dong! Jesus is here! Come in, Jesus!!
Pretending to ring the doorbell

The puzzle leaked out!
Pieces fell out of the bag

They are big too 'nuff.
They are too big. Or big enough. Or more than big enough. 

A mash-up of "Brad" and "Daddy"

Erin (hears a thud upstairs): Who is that?
Brynn: The one upstairs!
Meaning: whichever sister isn't down here, Mom.

Truffula : truffles
We made some Oreo truffles. She continually called them "truffulas," like the truffula trees in The Lorax.

I don't want to eat outside! I want to eat inside! There's bugs outside!
I feel you, Brynn.

You're the BEST Mommy (Claire/Lily/Daddy/Hallie) in the WHOLE wide world!!
Occasionally said spontaneously out of love for us but more often proclaimed after we do something for her

Will you soft my baby?
Will you pet my baby's head?

Pickle boo!

Hello, Nana and Poppy! I'm beautiful.
Upon them answering phone

Tenny-shoes : tennis shoes

On play phone
Oh hi, Mrs. Honeycutt! I just like you.
Mrs. Honeycutt was Claire's tutor at co-op this year. I was the room mom for two 6-week sessions, and because of COVID precautions, we didn't have a nursery for Brynn. She, Hallie, and I were alllllll in the classroom each week, and Brynn definitely considered herself to be one of the students. She ADORED Mrs. Honeycutt.

My bankly is a hero.
Her ever-present blanket.

Cinderella is beautiful and gargeous.

I'm so classy.

I wish I babysit Bo.
Meaning that she wanted Amiee to babysit her.

Text sent to my family:
Brynnie just fell. I said, "Are you ok?" She said, "I'm ok." Then covered her mouth with her hand so that her voice was muffled and said, "Less ok!" Just like on "How to Train Your Dragon." It was HILARIOUS!

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