Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Letter to My Little Bear

Dear Bear,

Well, it actually happened. You turned one year old. I feel like so much of your life has just zoomed right by. Granted, some of the days were so long and hard...those days didn't zoom by. But, on the whole, I feel like I blinked and you turned into a one-year-old. In the days leading up to your birthday, I've been sifting through old blog posts, pictures, stories, and whatnot, and I'm amazed at how much life we've lived in the past year. It's nuts how much we've done, how far we've traveled, and how many skills you've learned.

A few quick stats:
11...Planes you've been on
8...States you've been to (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Florida)

As usual, I have no teeth to report. I'm not sure you're ever going to be interested in getting teeth; you're really adept at gumming up your food, and you're not really talking why would you need teeth? (another reason I haven't gotten you fully off of your paci yet)

You will only say one word consistently, and it's not even a real word: "uh-oh." You love saying it. It's your favorite. And, it's adorable. Dad and I goad you into saying it regularly because it's so cute. We're unashamed of that fact. We're trying to get you to say "Hi" while waving. The best we've gotten you to do so far is to wave (sort of) when we say "Hi." Fine. We've already discovered that you're only going to do things when you're ready. Never when we think you should be doing it. It's super fun trying to explain to the pediatrician that you're totally normal...just making a statement about your independence.

Crawling is still not happening. However, you are a master scooter. You can scoot with the best of them, baby. You also like to sit on the tile and turn yourself in circles. You can do it for really long stretches of time without getting bored. It's really funny; I've tried to get it on video, but you usually stop as soon as I try. You're pulling up more and more and have even stood unassisted a few times (for a few seconds at a time). I think you really like physical really just don't want to do anything until you want to do it. You'd think that I'd be used to that by now, but I'm not. I know that one day you'll walk and talk and have teeth, but I'm still having to adjust to the fact that I have very little control over most of that (and zero control over the tooth issue.).

One of our favorite things that you do currently is "singing" at church during worship time. You make such a joyful noise. Everyone loves it. It's a little problematic when you keep "singing" after everyone else stops. You have so much fun joining in. Really, though, you just love music in general. You like it when we sing songs at home or listen to music on our iTunes or when you hear jingles or t.v. theme songs (Downton Abbey...The West Wing). It's just so sweet to watch you try to sing along. Other songs that you love: "Jesus Loves Me", "Moon River", "Let it Go" (from Frozen), and various songs that I make up when I get you out of your crib (they usually have to do with changing diapers or getting snacks or things like that).

This brings me to your new favorite thing to watch: Veggie Tales' "If I Sang a Silly Song." I let you watch it from time-to-time, and you are absolutely mesmerized. You giggle and talk to them and scoot as close as you can to the tv (I'm always having to pull you back- it's for your own good.). We don't watch tv with you too much, but sometimes, it's nice to have a treat.

Another thing that you love (and this one boggles my mind) is going with me into the basement to do laundry. I strap you into the Ergo carrier on my back, and you think going in there is the biggest fun. While I'm putting laundry into the washer, you like to bump your head up against the dryer (it's stacked double high and is very close to the don't have to do contortions to bump your head, although describing it in words is hard to follow). I think the basement is creepy, generally speaking, but it's more entertaining when you're in there doing happy, jolly things. Thanks for that.

Claire, we just could not love you any more if we tried. This past year has been absolutely magnificent, and we are so thankful for you. You are so happy and so much fun and so sweet. Even your bad days are still good days. We pray that you will always be joyful and hopeful, kind and compassionate, and that you would never know a day apart from Him. We love you! We love you! We LOOOOOOVE you!

Week 49

Week 50

Week 51

Week 52! One year old! You did it!

Sometimes we wear book hats...


FINALLY holding her own applesauce pouch.

Who, me?


Getting geared up for BIRTHDAY WEEK!

It's my birthday! And I have banana on my mouth!


Back off, Matroshka. It's my birthday.

Can we eat sugar now, Mom?

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