Wednesday, September 28, 2022

April Brassart Visit

Nana, Poppy, and Bo came for an April visit so we could celebrate Lily's 6th birthday!

She was happier than this picture seems...

Poppy dusted off his chess skills to play with Claire.

These two will press any- and everyone into reading service.
Also? This bear was my dad's as a baby. It is just livin' on a prayer these days.

They arrived in time for our last co-op community day of the year, which also happened to be our (as in, we Boswells) Family Presentation Day, so they came to watch us do our presentation (and then headed home to play with Brynnie and Hallie).

End-of-year celebrating

Mom threw Lily a family birthday party on Saturday, and it was a perfect Lily party!

Oh Brynn...everyone else was smiling...

Lily was thrilled that her cake had Ukrainian colors + sunflowers. 
I was thrilled with this series of candle blowing pictures.

One of her favorite gifts to open

Hallie's facial expression progression as she watched the food

Thankfully, Brynnie cooperated for this one.

Mom, Dad, and Amiee had to head out before church, but they stuck around long enough for me to coerce them into Sunday Shots with the girls:

A fabulous time was had by all! And since this was a little before Lily's *actual* birthday, she had even more birthday fun to look forward to...

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Happy Hallie: April 2022 edition

A month in Hallie's life:

Her beloved balloon finally sank to the floor.

The rocking chair: love of her life

Figuring out the slide like a big girl

Outgrew her baby seat


Just barely fit into this favorite onesie of mine

Wore her out at the museum. And the crossed ankles.

Chocolate handprint

Personalized ball pit

Getting in on the chores

The very best day, it seems

Monday, September 26, 2022

Brynnie chats: April 2022 edition

The bushes are full of scariness.

The hairy-net! The hairy-net!

Singing "the clarinet" part of "The Orchestra Song"

Brynn: Do you think what I'm thinking?

Poppy: What are you thinking?

Brynn: I don't know.

I'm the most beautifullest princess.

I'm just reading the instructions.

Flipping through the pew Bible at church

I'm wearing my galloping clothes.

Playing stick horse 

Mommy, this bread is delightful!

Protecting her Lite Brite creation

Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...