Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kat Kame!

It's no secret that we love and adore Kat. She is just the best kind of friend. She's so intelligent and creative and kind and generous and fun and funny. She has the best stories and adventures. We are a little bitter that she lives so far away (St. Louis).

BUT. Part of her best friend-ness is that she always comes to see us. She visited me in Ukraine, both years in Boston, and this was her third trip to Durham. And this time SHE DROVE. That's basically halfway across the country. Bless her.

She was barely in the door before I handed Lily to her and started snapping pictures (this was their first meeting). One thing I love about Kat is that she loves my children. AND THE FEELING IS OH SO MUTUAL. They were so taken with her; Claire has been for a long time now, and Lily took to her instantly. See?

She was so taken with Kat that she wouldn't let go...of her hair! And let me tell you, Lily has a really good grip.

Also: I dug up this picture of Kat and Claire from back in 2013 on a day trip to Portsmouth, NH! How great is that?

I have a whole series of pictures of Lily and Kat, and they are all awesome.

They were both looking at Claire in this one. Clearly, Claire was doing something magnificent.

Claire again.

I love this one.

We took Kat to the museum one morning and had a fantastic time. We love the museum and go often, but it's always fun to take friends. Claire loves to show off the museum, and taking Kat was no exception. She ran from exhibit to exhibit like a little wild woman (Claire, not Kat). I followed with the unwieldy stroller and very sleepy baby.

In the NASA exhibit. I laugh at this exhibit; being from Huntsville, it's a tad...paltry. But Claire loves it. I can't wait for her first visit to the Space and Rocket Center. It might blow her mind a bit.

There are lots of science exhibits, like this one that Claire looooves. The circle in the center spins, and there are a myriad of differently-sized discs to balance and spin and roll. Centrifugal force and such.

The museum is on a large property, and part of it is a massive network of tree houses. It's incredible and Swiss Family Robinson-ish. Claire and Kat spent a couple minutes playing up there, but Claire got distracted by another favorite of hers...

...the creek! I let her walk around and explore, but I usually try to keep her from getting too wet. She did well until I left to change Lily's diaper. Kat says it was an accident...jury's still out. Claire's entire hiney was soaked.

This cow with a painting of downtown Durham cracks me up, and I always make Claire pose with it.

We spent most of Kat's visit just talking; we never seem to run out of things to talk about, thank goodness! Kat also did Art Camp with Claire, which thrilled Claire's craft-loving heart. I don't know if I've ever mentioned that Kat is an artist (as in, that's her profession), and she does a great job prompting Claire's creativity. She also built a blanket fort with Claire that we left up in the living room for about 4 days. 

Lily searched for Kat every time she woke up and was carried downstairs. It was adorable to see her making sure that Kat was watching her. (She also kept gnawing on Kat's fingers and grabbing her hair...Kat was a good sport.)

It was a wonderful week, and I was rather down and blue when she left. I don't understand why we can't just figure out how to be next door neighbors. I'm working on it, though, don't you worry.

We love you, Kat! Come back soon!

1 comment:

Kat said...

Dear Erin, it is time we figured out how to build a transportation machine. Then we could see each other whenever we wanted!
I miss you guys!

Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...