Saturday, January 18, 2014

'Twas the Night Before Christmas...

...and all through the house,
Everybody was stirring,
excited about this little mouse (er...bear...):

We were all pretty excited about Bear's first Christmas. We headed down to Alabama a few days before Christmas and got to spend time visiting with lots of friends and family. This is Claire's favorite thing; she is SUCH an extrovert. She just soaks up all the energy from a crowd and is in her element. This was so evident on Christmas Eve. 

The church I grew up in does a sweet Christmas Eve service that is comprised of some singing and the pastor inviting all of the children up to the platform for a reading of the Christmas story. He sits in a rocking chair and all the kids crowd around him. It's adorable.

When we arrived at the church, Claire was incredibly fussy and tired. I was really bummed about it, because I knew there were going to be a lot of people that wanted to see her, and they were going to want to see a happy Bear...not a fussy one. I was prepared for the worst. No one wants for people to meet a baby that they think is going to be adorably sweet only to find that she's in a MOOD. 

However, as soon as we walked into the sanctuary and she saw all the people, she morphed into a completely different creature. She bounced up and down during the songs and "sang" along (pews and pews of people were was pretty funny. She can't carry a tune yet.). I was really pleased that she forgot her tiredness but was wondering how long it would last and how bad the fallout would be when she remembered she was tired.

Amiee took Bear up for the story, and I went and sat on the front pew so that I could take pictures like the new mom I am. Claire had a great time being surrounded by so many little friends. My favorite thing was that the little boy of a friend of mine from high school was actively trying to befriend Claire. They were definitely carrying on some sort of conversation that was solidifying a friendship. I took about 50-60 pictures and two videos during the five minutes it took for Bro. Jimmy to read the Christmas story. 

Taking in all of the people. 

Listening so intently. Good, Bear.

Please notice our friend, Luke, to Amiee's left. Typical.

"Let's be friends."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Ok! Let's play now!"

It was so fun to take my baby to the same service that I went to year after year. She had a great time, and we were all pretty content just to watch Claire experience her first Christmas. I'm sad that she's growing so fast, but it is really exciting to see her taking things in and beginning to figure out what's going on in this world. Oh man. She's going to be such a ring-tailed tooter.

With Bro. Jimmy

Claire was, apparently, very excited about this picture.

Attempt at a family shot. We've had better ones.

With my Granddaddy.

Meeting Mrs. Song.

Chilling with Mr. Kevin

Epilogue: Her enthusiasm gained from seeing all of the people did eventually wear off, and we saw the Return of Fussy Bear. Thankfully, though, she waited until the sanctuary was almost empty and we were back in the car. Whew. Close call.

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