Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kat's Visit

Remember my BFF, Kat? I've mentioned her once or twice around here. She's great. (Thus the best friend-ship.) It's also great that she's an artist/photographer and is good about taking pictures when we're together, since I'm not very good at it when she's around, for some reason. We basically did almost nothing outside of the house while she was here, ate a lot of leftovers, talked A LOT, and worked on a project for New Baby. And, because we apparently didn't get all of our words said while we were downstairs chatting everyday, we spent an inordinate amount of time texting from bedroom to bedroom after we headed up for bedtime. We're cool like that.

Kat and I have a little habit that we started when we were about 25 and hanging out for a weekend: living room fort making. Because we are very adult and grown up. I wasn't really up to it this year, but Claire got in on the action. She was very into the process, although not necessarily helpful (poor, patient Kat). She won Claire's heart through this little exercise.

And then, to ensure that Mommy could never top Kat's fort building prowess, she used fairy lights to make the inside magical. Of course, she then had to prevent Claire from pretending that she was a part of the Curious George episode about using a siphon (i.e. Claire kept trying to put the end of the light string in her mouth and pretend to suck on it, thus creating a siphon).

She also introduced Claire's new, most favorite item in her life: the sprinkle good night flashlight. It's a pink glitter lamp night light. Claire was and is mesmerized.

She also introduced this fancy pants bead kit that has provided unending entertainment ever since.

Please note: Claire has even gotten Brad to play beads on more than one occasion. It is basically the cutest thing ever.

Now, Claire thinks that Kat is HER best friend. Get in line, sister. 

I seriously have the best friends. Kat made the trip to visit me when I was about zero percent fun. My friend, Breanne, made her FOURTH annual visit to see us when I was probably less than zero percent fun about a month before Kat. She brought Claire a fabulous children's version of the game Sequence, which has provided me with another outlet for entertaining Claire whilst laying on the couch. The gift that keeps on giving (Thanks, Breanne!!). Both of these friends are so dear to me (of course, I have no pictures of Breanne's visit. I'm horrible.) I'm so very thankful for the people who keep up with me through the craziness of life.

1 comment:

bo said...

You were definitely lots of fun! Glad Claire is enjoying the game!

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