Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Around here lately: December 2016 edition

Happy New Year, friends! I hope you all rang it in with fun celebrations. I'm working on all of our Christmas blogs, but until then, enjoy December’s Claire-isms!

Mommy, are you a princess?

I want to…guys, stop talking…I want to go do blah blah blah. I can’t remember what she wanted to do, but I do remember that she had the gall to tell Brad and me not to interrupt her.

Oh, it’s so beautiful! *runs and hugs Christmas tree*

Playing with nativity figures, speaks gibberish and asks Mary: What does that mean, Mary?

Mary and Jofuss riding (maybe surfing?) on the manger...

While hanging little bells on the Christmas tree:
Claire: I’m going to put this red one next to the white one so it’s not lonely.
Erin: I’m going to take a picture of that.
Claire: Smile, bells!

Ear wax = Ear boogies
singular of ear wax = wack

I wonder where my heart came from…

Referring to the fire in the fireplace: Mommy, it will be blue until it grows taller. Then it will be yellow.

Lily eats baby food, and I eat girl food.

Erin: I took your stocking apart, fixed it, and put it back together.
Claire: Like Chip and Jojo take houses apart and put them back together? Referring to “Fixer Upper”

I really like to play with Ellie the little girl and the big Ellie in Alabama.

Mommy, I didn’t know you could put decorations in the bathroom!

Why is Home Alone hiding under the bed? When watching Home Alone, Claire refers to Kevin as “Home Alone.” As if it’s his name.

Emmie emmies = M & M’s

I didn’t know emmie emmies and Cheerios happened, Mommy! I put a couple of M & M’s in her dry Cheerios as a snack.

Erin: Claire, what’s wrong?
Claire: I’m not wrong.

Let’s watch Home Alone. HE’S a Christmas movie!

Your singing tricks me out!

Lily was a little fussy, playing on the floor of the girls’ room, so Claire surrounded her with stuffed animals. I thought these nice friends might be friendly to her. They came not to make her lonely.

There’s runny coming out! There’s runny coming out of Lily’s nose!

The snots are coming out of Lily.

Lamby is going to drive because he’s a hero.

Singing "Old McDonald":
And on that farm, he had a pig! E-I-E-I-O! With a "honk honk" here and a "honk honk" there!
And on that farm, he had a zebra! E-I-E-I-O! With a "giraffe giraffe" here and a "giraffe giraffe" there!
And on that farm, he had a horse! E-I-E-I-O! With a "ha ha" here and a "ha ha" there!
And on that farm, he had a chicken! E-I-E-I-O! With a "cock-a-doodle-do" here and a "cock-a-doodle-do" there!

Claire, examining the maps in Brad's study Bible:
And here's Jericho... (not actually Jericho, but she likes to think she knows these things)

Claire: I didn't like the bad guys, do you?
Erin: No.
Claire: No, not me.

I'm exercising. Read: spins on her booty on the hardwood floors.

Child corralling system

My band-aid sticker didn't fall into the potty. This hand just gave the toilet paper to this hand, so my band-aid sticker wouldn't fall in.

I know you want to play with me, Lily, but you have to go down for a nap. I'm so disappointed about that.

Claire: ...and this is Nemo's daddy.
Erin: Marlin.
Claire: Jesus?
Erin: Um, no. Marlin.

Referring to a owl printed on our diaper wet bag. The owl's eyelids are half closed.
Why is the owl making that face? He's a little grumpy like the Grinch.

Look, the paints made a shepherd's stick. She had arranged little jars of finger paints in the shape of a shepherd's staff.

Sometimes we call Lily "Lily Cate." Lily Cate is a dangerous name. We should say "Lily Catherine."

Did you put the Christmas tree up because it wanted to be beautiful?

Referring to the part of Home Alone where Marv steps on a nail and gives me the hibbie jibbies: Here it comes! Don't watch!

Ever since Grammy's funeral, Claire has been pretending that various dolls are going to heaven to be with Jesus. We've been trying to talk about and redirect this tendency recently. I overheard her having this conversation with her dolls a few weeks ago:
And her mommy went to heaven with Jes-...Um, she went to church without her.

Did they drive without their buckles? Characters on Home Alone who weren't wearing seat belts.

Trying to convince Claire to take a nap in the car, Brad offered her candy. Claire thought about it and said, "Sometimes when I sleep, I keep my eyes open." #hedgingherbets

They're going to the Christmas Jingle! Look! George is holding the jingle! Referring to the concert the characters on Curious George go to where George plays a tambourine/jingle.

My mother-in-law got a festive, Christmas toilet seat cover, knowing how it would thrill Claire. She went to use the bathroom and exclaimed, "You guys dressed up the potty!!"

To my in-laws' dog: No, Sadie, they're doing the puzzle. You don't have any hands.

I catched me.

Erin: Why did you put your napkin on my lasagne?
Claire: Because there were boogies on it.
Erin: Can I get a new piece of lasagne, please?

Mommy, it's a Jofuss stick! My in-laws got a new, L-shaped couch. Claire immediately saw it as a shepherd's staff, like Joseph holds in most nativity scenes.

Why didn't we sing all the worlds to "Joy to the World?" We only sang the first verse at the Christmas Eve candlelight service.

According to Claire, the capital of the United States of America is: Washing Machine

Her binoculars.

After seeing a few small Christmas decorations I put in our bathroom: Mommy, I didn't know you could decorate a bathroom!

Mommy, I don't like that because it cracks me up. variation: such and such is scaring me because it's cracking me up.

Erin, noticing Claire scratching her booty suspiciously: Claire, does your booty itch?
Claire: *winks*

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