Monday, July 8, 2019

LILY-ISMS: June 2019 edition

Y'all. THIS GIRL. She really is too much. Enjoy!

You can't run away from ME, little baby bouncy ball!

Lily: (asking about the Cheerios given to her) Are they TASTY Cheerios?
*note: "tasty Cheerios" mean Honey Nut, as opposed to Original
Erin: Well, they're YOUR Cheerios. Taste one.
Lily: Hmm...they don't FEEL tasty.
Brad eats Honey Nut. The girls eat Original. They know the difference and resent it ever-so-slightly.

Erin: Why aren't you taking your jammies upstairs like I asked?
Lily: Because I can't. Because my jammies are too strong.

Lily: Am I a sauce-sauce girl?
Erin: Um...yes?
Lily: I'm spreading sauce all over the place!
Eating spaghetti. Slightly changing the words of "The Pout Pout Fish" book. And she was spreading sauce all over the place.

Please note the bumble bee wings...

Talking about our trip to Minnesota this September for Tim and Jenna's wedding.

Looking at her baby mobile (of hot air balloons) I made for her that now hangs over Brynnie's bed
I love my beautiful balloons.

I like yours hair.
See also: I like hers shoes. I like yours nail polish.

Could you move the hot sun out of the way?

When Miss Lydia comes, we will hide and then jump out and say "Purr Rise!"

Trainer teeth : Brad's retainer

You're a good idea, Mommy.

Am I wearing the SUPER SHIRT today??

Brad and I were scheduled to be in church nursery in Lily's class on a particular Sunday morning.
Lily: Will you play hide-and-seek in Sunday school with me?
Brad: Probably.
Lily: I will hide under the small table. I will not bump my head. I need Theo to hide with me. Theo and Marinus and me are the best hiders.

I got the bizz buzz bees!
Referring to some kind of insect

I stand on my head, and my ears are so fluffy!
I have no idea. She was playing something in the car and was so very earnest about this particular part.

Daddy, I got a stool spot for you to sit with me while I [use the bathroom]. 
She had pulled up a step stool for him to sit on.

At bed time
Is Daddy here? Is he going to guard my dreams?

I'm scared of thunder. Is God with me?

My head is busy.
Busy : dizzy

Playing "Guess Who" with Ruth. The sheep.

It's a snowing fing.
A sleigh

Brynnie is coming to get me! She's coming to get my face and take my eyes!

Erin: Miss Lydia is coming tonight.
Lily: Is she on the road RIGHT NOW??

Erin: What color do you think Brynn's hair is?
Lily: Um...gray-ish.

The cupholder is riding in his belt seat.

Mommy, you might get me arrested!

Brad: Lily, do you want to come with me to get Claire?
Lily: Yes. You need a sister to go with you.

My tummy is full. I want something else to eat.

May you give it to me?

I ate my snack all!

Claire and I just talked and hold hands last night.

Where you go-ed?

I'm doing flip flops with my guys. Flip flop to Claire's bed.
i.e. throwing her stuffed animals from her bed to Claire's

Hi Mommy. I just HAD to check on you.

Erin: I'll wipe your face when we get home.
Lily: I'll do it with my tongue.

Jump puddle : puddle jumper/water floaties

Can I get on your heating pad?
Heating pad : air mattress

Claire: Mommy, I'm just sad I woke you up.
Lily: And I'm just sad I don't have any food.

Air bugs : ear buds

Lily: Look! Do you see what I did with Trumpkin.
Erin: Yes, I do.
Lily: Do you want to laugh?

My blanket's friends : pillows

Erin: Don't hold Trumpkin while you're on the potty.
Lily: Because she might go for a ride in the toilet!

Driving through Washington D.C.
Brad: Look, girls! There's the capitol building!
Lily: Yes! And there are CRANES!

I have to brush Trumpkin's feathers.
Feathers : fur

I'm going to eat ice cream and bread and pineapple and carrots and then ice cream again.

After Claire realized that a pair of hand-me-down rain boots for too small for her
I think they're PERFECT for me!

Looking for something
Found it! I kept my eyes open, and I saw it!

I found a magnet! It was under the oven, and I rescued it!

Can I have my thing? My sandwich like this? (made a folded over gesture with her hand) My biscuit?
By all of this, she meant her leftover crepe from breakfast.

Mommy, you just crossed over to get Brynnie. That's a good girl!
Said to me, as to a well-behaved dog.

We did a team work!

Buffers : beavers

Belt seat : seat belt

La-wahn-za : lasagne

Daddy, you startled on me!

Bouncing Bears : Berenstain Bears

I just want to get out of here.
Leave her bedroom after nap time

Watch me! I'm doing some moves.

Is this his home?
The cap of a pen

Erin: Why do you keep stepping on that umbrella?
Lily: I'm in a mood.

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