Tuesday, December 17, 2019

LILY-ISMS: September 2019 edition

Lily: Did you choose us at the store?
Erin: No, I didn't get you at the store.
Lily: God maded us?
Erin: Yes.
Lily: He made me a girl with curly hair?

Has stains on her shirt.
Don't wipe them off! They're my friends!

Erin: Are you going to miss Poppy?
Lily: Yes. I'm just going to cry and watch a movie.

Brad did something that she had wanted him to.
That was a good boy, Daddy.

Daddy is a good helper boy.

Doing some stretches and exercises with Daddy.

Erin: How long has it been since you've been potty?
Lily: Hm...three days?

We told the girls that they could each take seven stuffed animals to DC. Lily asked to take a stuffed dog that she, generally, never played with.
Erin: You don't play with that doggie very much. 
Lily: I love this dog!
Erin: It doesn't even have a name.
Lily: Yes it does!
Erin: What it is?
Lily: Um...it's...uh...DACHOS!

That would be "Dachos" on the bed in DC...

Mommy gives me apples all the days of my life.

As Brad was pulling out of our driveway, headed to DC:
I want to watch over him.

Watching over Daddy

Hairy dactyl : pterodactyl

Points to a woman on the sidewalk
She has a cigarette like Cruella DeVil!

Erin to Claire: It will get better and will be easier.
Lily: God is with you.

The crispy : frisbee

This is George. He was a good little monkey and then he disobeyed.

I went potty! Smell my hands!
Contrary to what I thought this meant- she actually wanted me to smell the soap.

Wait until you see this: I look beautiful!

Out of me : without me

Will you giver me?
Will you forgive me?

Claire, be quiet. Mr. Gerry be down us.
Gerry : our downstairs neighbor in DC.

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