Sunday, September 16, 2012

Questions we get

Since we started telling folks that we were pregnant, we've gotten a lot of questions. I thought I'd tackle answering some of them in one location.

Was this a surprise?
No and yes. "No" because we weren't actively trying not to have a baby and "yes" because we weren't expecting the timing. 

Are you going to work?
No. I started looking for jobs in Boston months ago and never heard back from anyone, which was disappointing. Now, of course, I can see God's hand in that. I've been entirely too sick to have had a job since we've been here. It's work just to get a shower, so doing a job and doing it well wouldn't really have been possible for me. Also, Brad and I decided before we got married that if it was at all possible, I would stay home when we had children. That's still the plan.

What are/will you do with your time?
Right now, I'm still full-time sick. I wish that were a joke or exaggeration, but it most certainly isn't. I'm 14-almost-15 weeks pregnant, and my OB said I should feel better in 2-3 weeks. At that point, the first few things I plan to do are to finish finding homes for all of our belongings, get a better idea of the lay of the land, and host friends and family that are planning to visit. I'd also like to begin cooking again. Basically, I'd like to work back up to doing normal life things.  

Do you like your doctor?
Very much. We sort of chose her at random, but we've been really happy with her.

Are you going to find out the gender?
Yes. We'll find out in mid-October.

Are you going to tell everyone what you plan to name the baby?
Yes. We're pretty settled on a boy name already, but if it's a girl, it'll probably take us while. 

Do you plan to have a natural birth?
While I applaud and admire those who do, I have no aspirations or convictions to go med-free during labor. I realize there are arguments on both sides of the fence, but again, I have no convictions about it and will pray for a healthy baby regardless.

Have you been feeling good?
No. I've felt pretty horrible for the past 8 weeks. I'll probably write more about my thoughts on that later. It's been physically and emotionally draining with very few moments of respite. At the risk of sounding ridiculously dramatic, I can hardly remember a more trying season of my life.

Have you tried __________ for morning sickness/nausea?
Probably. I've tried various ginger-related items, lemon drops, lemon aid, watermelon, carbs of all kinds, Saltines and Sprite/Ginger Ale, Preggie Pops, vitamin B-6, and prescription and over-the-counter medication. Some don't work at all (cough...ginger...cough), some work ok (lemon), and some work a bit better than the rest (prescriptions). 

Those are a few of the most frequently asked questions we've gotten. If you have others, let me know! I'll do my best to answer.

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