Thursday, January 31, 2013

REALLLLY old pictures...

I stumbled across some old pictures that I never wrote about. I was surprised that I'd never written about them...until I remembered that I took these pictures back during the phase of my life when I was sick most of the time and not interested in blogging.

Back in late August/early September, Brad had an idea that won him Best Husband points to last him the rest of the year: he found an Ingrid Michaelson concert in nearby New Hampshire in October. I love Ingrid (even though I don't generally get super excited about concerts), and the tickets were Boswell Budget-approved. 

We had a great time! We rented a car and drove the less-than-2-hour trip to Portsmouth, NH, which is, quite possibly, the cutest little New England town in existence. I would totally move there. We ate dinner at a British pub (out of the ordinary, I know) and meandered over to the quaintest little theater. We had great seats, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Brad liked it, too, but he's not quite the enthusiast I am (don't get me wrong: he likes Ingrid...I just like her more). 

We spent the night and got up the next morning to drive the 5 miles into Kittery, Maine to go to the outlet mall. We did really well at Motherhood Maternity (at the sale/"as is" rack), which was nice, as I was beginning to show/not fit in my clothes at that point. I've really tried very diligently not to spend money on maternity clothes, so paying almost nothing for necessities is my idea of a good time.

I didn't remember to get pictures of the concert (I was too excited), but here are a few shots that I snapped:

This is the car we rented. It was fun to ride around in a zippy little thing.
I realized that I should have been snapping pictures of all of the state line markers...but I was a little behind on it. This is the New Hampshire sign on the way back from Maine. I didn't get one for Maine. drat.

Shot of Portsmouth from the interstate.

Some of the fall foliage. I have to say, I didn't see any of the jaw-dropping colors that we hear about. Maybe it was too warm for too long?

Driving back into Boston.

This golden tree (just a couple miles from our apartment) was a little more impressive.

So was this orange-y/pink tree.

Hopefully, we'll get to trek off for a few more New England-ish adventures before our time in Boston is finished. Here's hoping that can remember to take pictures in the future...

1 comment:

Kat said...

Wow, what a snazzy rental! I feel like any town in NH/VT/ME has to be quaint. I understand there must be metropolitan areas, but it just doesn't work in my imagination.

Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

Just another friendly reminder that I'm still playing catch-up. Clearly, it is not currently July... We made another annual trip to Tops...