Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Family Christmas in Durham

Since we traveled so much at Christmas time, Brad, Claire, and I celebrated our own little family Christmas about halfway through December. This semester has been SO INCREDIBLY busy for Brad, and we thoroughly enjoyed taking a day off to do fun things (that included zero reading or homework)! We gave each other 1-2 gifts each and did stockings, so present unwrapping didn't take too long. Brad and I cracked each other up by GIVING EACH OTHER THE SAME THING. How crazy is that?? We laughed a lot over that one. Claire had a blast just soaking up the Christmas-ness of it all. One of her gifts was a stuffed dog, and she has been hilarious carrying him around, telling him to sit, and making him "lick" her face.

"Christmas" morning. I should note that the temperature got up to 75 degrees the day we celebrated. Geez Louise...it was just too weird.

Waiting to open presents...in her entirely too warm (but Christmas-y) pajamas.

Bath crayons and a new toothbrush from her stocking.

Her main gift: a Thomas the train track and accessories for her Thomas trains. We actually didn't purchase this, as it was a complete set that my granddaddy had at his house. When we went back to Alabama in April, my mom and aunt gave it to me for Claire, and I decided to save it for Christmas. It was a great idea, as she REALLY enjoys it. She partially enjoys using it as a track and partially enjoys putting it together, taking it apart, putting it together, and taking it apart again. To each her own.

My gifts from Brad! Love them both. (Ignore the stuffed friends in the background; not mine.)

And...the matching gifts we gave each other. Great minds? It's a strategy game, by the way. If you come visit, we'll teach you! It's great fun, and we are super thankful that Eric and Ashley introduced us.

Brad made glazed raspberry rolls for breakfast, which were great (although his cinnamon rolls are the BEST), and we watched Home Alone, apparently for the first time in a long time, as I kept forgetting what was going to happen. Also, we watch it differently now that we're parents; we found ourselves saying things like, "That is such bad parenting!" and "Oh no those kids did NOT mouth off like that!" Oh man. The kids on Home Alone are so sassy and rude. They for real need a time out.

We had planned to get something fancy-ish for lunch, but we ran into a few problems with trying to call in a take out order...so we just decided to pick up Cook Out for lunch, which ended up being an awesome idea (and only about 5 minutes from our house). It's a chain restaurant, but from what I can tell, it's primarily in the Carolinas (I hadn't heard of it until we moved here). After lunch, Claire and Brad ended up playing outside in the cul-de-sac with some neighbor friends for a long time before nap- Claire in her Christmas pj's the whole time. Oops.

After nap, we joined some friends of Brad's from Duke at a little Christmas gathering for a few of us with little kids. It was really fun to meet some more folks with little ones, and we all had a good time hanging out and snacking. I successfully hid the fact that there were Christmas cookies present for as long as I could. Then she found out. A sugar high commenced, bless us.

Christmas cookie as big as her face.

Speaking of snacking, we decided it would be fun to eat party/finger foods for supper at home, so we made sausage balls, veggies and dip, pigs in a blanket, and Rotel dip. We are so healthy on "Christmas." Claire did not even know what to do with herself and all the unhealthiness she was allowed to eat. (What? At least we didn't leave her at home while we traveled to Paris for Christmas.) And just for funsies, we watched the movie Home, because I'd wanted to see it when it came out but had never gotten around to it. Not at all Christmas-y but cute nonetheless.

For fun, I let her take down some of the lower ornaments and then redecorate. It was a hit.

Claire has started showing interest in using my camera, so I let her take this picture. Not too shabby, I thought.

We had a super day (despite the midday migraine I got) and really enjoyed Christmas: round 1. The only tricky thing is weaning Claire off the idea that we will be celebrating Christmas every few days from here on out. Pray for us, friends. It's going to be rough.

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