Monday, May 16, 2016

Letter to my Little Lily: 1 Month

Dear Lily,

Goodness gracious, Lily-lou. I cannot believe that you are already a month old. This past month has flown by- and not just because my sleep patterns have been greatly altered and I've been a little fuzzy-headed. It's been so interesting going through the newborn phase with you; since we've already done it once before with Claire, we were a little more prepared for what to expect, including how quickly it really does go by. We're trying so hard to appreciate all the little moments with you while you're so very small and newborn.

And you've been making it such a great experience. You've been such a delight! You're a laid-back baby and so happy just to be with us. You rarely cry or fuss (except when you're hungry), and you're an excellent snuggle buddy. You really love just being with us. Which is good, because we always love having you around.

Holding Daddy's finger

You are probably the most hiccup-y baby that there ever was. Every day. Multiple times a day. They seem to take over your whole little body, and you kind of sound like a squeak toy. It's really quite cute...but also makes me feel sorry for you. And while you hiccup all the time, you make us work to get you to burp. You also really like to be on your stomach. (Note: we don't let you sleep on your stomach at night. You just like to lay on us on your stomach.) Also, Nana held you in what we dubbed the "sloth hold" (not to be confused with the Sloth Grip Roll), and you loooooooved that. 



I've really enjoyed watching you and Claire together. To be honest, I was pretty nervous about how Claire would take to you, but so far, she seems quite fine. She asks to hold you about once a day and really loves to give you hugs and kisses. She also likes to look at your "tiny fingers! and tiny toes!" You take everything in stride and always let her love on you.

I love these faces.

One of my most favorite things about you is how peaceful you are. That's the word that comes to mind most when I think about you. I look back on your birth and think that it was, overall, peaceful. As were our days in the hospital. And really, even your nighttime wakings and feedings are mostly peaceful and calm. The morning that you were born, I spent a long time listening to this song on repeat, reflecting on what God has done for us and in us. A few hours later, while I was laying on the operating table, waiting for them to get started, I sang it over and over in my head, making it the last thing on my mind before I was sedated. Peaceful. From the beginning.

One of my favorite things about Claire's first year was taking weekly pictures of her so that we could look back on them see how she grew. I'm looking forward to doing that with you, too! Maybe it's ambitious (as most normal people just do the monthly pictures), but I loved doing it with her and know that I'll love it with you, too. So, here are your first month's snapshots:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

One Month! (Thanks to Amiee for the BEAUTIFUL monthly stickers! I LOVE them!)*

And, now a few outtakes:

I call this one "Put Up Your Dukes!"

So maybe this one should be "Hit Me With Your Best Shot...Wait! Don't!"

And "I Am Baby. Hear Me ROAR!"

Lily, we are just so thankful that you joined our family. I always think it's a little weird when people say, "We just can't imagine our lives without you!" to their new babies because, really, that was the reality just a few weeks prior (so technically, they can imagine it). However, I fully understand the sentiment of "I can't imagine ever going back to a time when we didn't have you." That's 100% how I feel! Our life was wonderful before you were born, but now it's so much richer. I'm so looking forward to getting to know your personality more and more and seeing the wonderful person you become. We pray you'll love Jesus and know the joy that accompanies knowing Him.

We love you so much, Lily!

*Your one-month birthday was on a Sunday, so you were wearing the beautiful white dress shown in the picture (Thanks, Auntie!). I had planned to take your picture sometime on Sunday afternoon while you were wearing the dress. Before I could get the pictures taken, however, you had a blowout. One for the books. All over your beautiful white dress (and your swing and yourself, and it got all over Daddy, Gran, and me in the process, too). So, before I could take the picture, I had to special treat your dress, wash it, and air dry it. It was about a 30-hour process, Missy. Good thing you're so cute.

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