Monday, July 18, 2016

Letter to my Little Lily: 3 Months

Lily Baby,

At 3 months, you are still such a joy in our lives. It's the first word I think of when I look at you. It doesn't hurt that your face absolutely lights up when you see me or Daddy or Claire. It makes my day every single time.

Flying Lily

When people ask us how things are with a baby in the house, I pray that I don't come across as smug when I say that you are absolutely the very best baby. So laid back and chill and peaceful. It has nothing to do with our parenting and everything to do with your sweet sweet SWEET personality. You don't cry unless you're hungry, tired, or have a dirty diaper. And when you do cry, it's not even loud. You sleep and eat like a CHAMP. As far as being a baby goes, you are gooooood at it.

You are such a good car baby.

In the past month, you've started smiling so much. It may just be the very best part of my day! You've also become stronger and stronger. You love to stand up (on our laps, with us holding you) and have very strong neck muscles. You're going to be sitting up by yourself in no time, I'm quite sure (note: we must pull out the Bumbo soon). We put you down on a blanket every day for stretching/tummy time, and you really enjoy it- as long as you can see your people and feel like you're a part of everything that's going on. Feeling a part of things is very important to you; I'm pretty sure you're going to be as extroverted as Claire and Daddy are. 

A favorite shot of you and Claire. You're both smiling!

You love Claire very much and are always interested in what she's doing. I try to put your swing in places where you can watch her play because you watch her so intently. I'm really looking forward to seeing you girls play together one day. 

Being with Daddy and Claire is one of your very favorite things.

Funny little things that you're up to these days include blowing spit bubbles for fun and pulling your dresses up over your head at any chance you get. You've also started "talking" to us, which is hilarious. You coo and jabber and try out your voice as often as you can, and Daddy and I will stop what we're doing to come listen to you. Our favorite is when you talk to us for a while and then give us a coy little grin. The best. Your chubby little cheeks squish out so far when you grin, and we cannot get enough of it. Personally, I think you are this close to laughing.

Very much like Claire did as a baby, you push your bottom lip out unbelievably far in the most heartbreaking pout right before you cry. It's simultaneously heartbreaking and adorable. Your relationship with your paci is very tortured; you want it and will take it, but you also don't just love it and have to have it. Sometimes you spit it out for no apparent reason and then seem quite offended by its absence. Bless. You've recently started pushing it back into your mouth on occasion, which is a nice development. On the other hand, you've started shoving your hand in your mouth as a self-soothing technique if you can't get your paci in there. We're pro-paci people, so we're not crazy about this new trick (although, we are happy that you're figuring out how to calm yourself down. Way to go Lils!

Sometimes (often), you sleep with your eyes open.

Some ugly things have happened in our country and in the world this past month of your life. Things that make me nervous and scared about the world you are growing up in. But, in the midst of these things, I find myself praying not only for your safety but also for you to have courage; for you to be brave enough to live your life free from fear; for you to show kindness always; to be wise but also to trust, especially to trust the Lord and His sovereignty, regardless of what the headlines are reporting.

You still love to hold Daddy's finger.

Wow. These words don't nearly convey all of the lovely thoughts and feelings we have about you, Lily, but I sure do want to try. You make our lives so much richer, and we could not be more thankful for your life!

Week 10. I failed. I didn't get an official shot with your koala. However, this is my FAVORITE picture of you.

Week 11. I failed to take your koala pillow with us to Alabama, so this stuffed one of Nana's was a good stand-in.

Week 12

3 Months. Your sticker shows in this picture...

...but this is my favorite face in this one. (Also, I tried out a few different types of headwear.)

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