Monday, July 10, 2017

Around here lately: June 2016 edition

A brief interruption in the Europe posts to bring you this month's Claire-isms:

Why would you do such a thing, Lily?

First of all, I don't like sitting in my car seat. And second of all, I'm sad the snow is gone. Said in early June.

As Brad and I were leaving for 12 days in Europe.
Claire: I'll get the door! I'll miss you!
Erin: Then why are you kicking me out the door?
Claire: I'm not kicking you out the door; I'm just OPENING it.

Following an ant's progress across the front porch.

Looking at Dad's Father's Day card with Mom and Dad (which I mistakenly sent a week early)
Claire: There's my mommy. I love her!
Mom: Who else do you see that you love?
Claire: ME!

Grandpa, did you grow the barbecue in your garden?

Aw...poor sister! Lily had fallen.

Gran made a u-bar cake! rhubarb

I'm supervising! (conspiratorially as an aside to me) I'm telling them what to do.

Attempting to "hold" the ant and let it crawl on her hands.

Can we go to the water iPad? splash pad


To a little boy at the splash pad
She's Lily and I'm Claire. She belongs to me!

Let's have a monster party!

I peeled carrots at Nana's. I'm learning.

Erin: Claire, are you my bear?
Claire: Yes.
Erin: What is Lily?
Claire: Your BOO!

Mrs. Traci told us that story (the parable of the lost lamb). She was so brave to do that. It was one of the shorter stories.

Super Swimming Girl!

Lily gave me a hand kiss! Lily rubbed Claire's face with her hand.

Sometimes I have to raise my piggies up until my shoe opens.

101 Salvation = 101 Dalmatians

It's CHEW TIME! (gum)

Mommy, I love you. Toes are my favorite friends.

I'm going to miss you when you go to the place, Daddy.

Daddy, why did you chew your fingernails? Don't you remember the rules? We're practicing not chewing, you understand?

Claire: (singing) Jesus love me this I know...LOUDER!
Erin: Did they do that at VBS? The LOUDER part?
Claire: Yes, because they couldn't hear us, Mommy.

Can I pet her? referring to Lily

That's my heart singing.

Daddy Cate
Lily's name is Lily Catherine, and we sometimes call her Lily Cate. Claire has decided to call Brad "Daddy Cate."

Brad: Ok, 4 minus 1 is...
Claire: GONE!

The bye bye song = movie credits

I just have a feelings about leaving Daddy. I don't want to.

Seeing a sign for a Porsche dealership from our hotel window in Atlanta
That sign is the same as Miss Sally's nose!
Miss Sally is a Porsche on the movie Cars.

Yelled from the bathroom while Brad, Lily, and I were playing in the hotel room
Implied: Are y'all having fun without me??

These are "him" shoes. I need princess shoes.
Note: they were not boy shoes. They were athletic sandals. And they were also pink.

Mumbling coming through Claire's monitor after putting her to bed
Erin: Claire, are you talking to me?
Claire: No, I'm talking to God.
Erin: About what?
Claire: I'm telling Him that I'm scared, and I'm asking Him for some help.

I don't like shirts. Or shorts. I ONLY like dresses.

Today is a good day to wake up!

While playing trains, said about the trains
It's their job to have a lovely day.

I'm telling Bingley (dog) the rules about stuff!

Do big-year-olds climb climbing trees?

Referring to my parents' shy cat
Robey doesn't like fast. He only likes slow.

Lily, you're going to stain your dress!

Do we have to be good every week?

I was eating some pretzels dipped in pimento cheese as I was prepping lunch things for the girls. Claire asked what I was eating, and I said, "Pimento cheese." A few minutes later, she saw a pretzel in my hand and realized that, apparently, I had not told her everything I was eating.
Mommy...did you lie to me?

While Brad has been off studying and not with us, Claire has taken to finding pictures of him and kissing the pictures. Amiee's dog was with us for a few days before Amiee could join, and I saw Claire drag Winnie over to a picture of Amiee and hold it up to Winnie's face.
Mommy, Winnie won't kiss this picture of her mommy...

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