Sunday, February 10, 2019

A very Boswell Christmas Eve

I've written before about the Boswell Christmas Eve tradition (most recently here), and it's time yet again. 

If you've never heard me explain it, briefly:
We gather with Brad's extended family on Christmas Eve. Before our gathering, we've chosen a Christmas movie (a funny one...not necessarily a classic. Read: not White Christmas or It's a Wonderful Life) and have all PREPARED. Our parties consist of costumes, themed menus, a trivia game, and a movie-themed Dirty Santa gift exchange. It's a fun time, for sure! 

Past movies: 
A Christmas Story
Christmas Vacation
Christmas with the Kranks
The Santa Clause
Home Alone

This year's movie was Jingle All the Way.

I'm pulling for Eloise at Christmastime for our next movie, as Claire will be the PERFECT age.

I didn't get a huge jump-start in preparing this year, but we did have those snow days in early December that lent themselves to a viewing and a half (and apparently, that was enough time for Claire and Lily to all but memorize it!). Then another viewing in Alabama, so I was at least familiar with the movie. It was a little tricky coming up with costumes and gifts, and I'm admitting that my ideas weren't super creative. BUT. Other people had really good ideas that were fun and exciting, as you'll see below.

Brad dressed as Myron, primarily because he (Brad) had a Ukrainian winter hat similar to Myron's. I was going to dress as Liz making cookies, and of course, Barbara had had the same idea (#greatminds), so I ended up taking one of Rachael's extra ideas and went as "No. 1 Customer" (literally wore a name tag that said "No. 1 Customer"). Both Claire and Lily wanted to be Booster (because he's pink, I'm absolutely sure). Brynn just wore a classy Christmas outfit because I couldn't make a baby costume happen this year. I do know, however, what I want to dress her up as for our Eloise year. It's going to be good, guys.


Turbo/Turtle Man

He already had the uniform, guys.

Costume contest winner!

We had really great ham sandwiches (a nod to the ham dinner in one of the last scenes), fruit, meatballs, cookies, and realllllly good hot chocolate (from the scene with the Christmas carolers). I confess I don't remember lots of details about the meal, thanks to having a passel of children's plates to attend to. I remember it all tasting good, though.

I don't want to brag, but Brad and I were on the winning trivia team. The girls were so cute and sat in on the whole game, too, and really enjoyed it. Bill, Barbara, and Rachael were also on our team, and historically, we are the least likely group to have studied extensively. SO it was rather impressive that we ended up winning!


For our gift exchange, we never quite know what surprises might appear. I took a hot chocolate/marshmallow/mug gift, Brad took a really great blue thermos, Barbara took a gift card to Wal-Mart for those times your car might run out of gas, someone took a gas can, coffee, a smoke detector, sugar cookie making sets...lots of options and movie connections. If you watch the movie, you'll see the inspirations and go "Ah, yes. That makes sense." Let me know if you ever do!

The girls were so super helpful.

It was fun, as always! We look forward to it each time and have developed quite the canon of Christmas Eve Cinematic Masterpieces. I just wished I'd been better at documenting those earlier years that I was a part of the family...Oh well. Onward and upward. 

Please note: only a handful of these pictures are mine. The majority were taken by Brad's Aunt Jenny who IS very good at documentation. 

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