Tuesday, April 9, 2019

LILY-ISMS: March 2019 edition

Lily's monthly lists of quotables are getting longer and longer...

Lily loves cats, so when flipping through a magazine, I saw a picture of a cat and called her over to show her.
AWW! I LOVE fat cats!

Erin: Can you please be kind?
Lily: I finking about it.

She spent the first part of nap building this "wall" and then fell asleep like that.

Where's Trunkin? It's a mystery!

Requesting additional cookies
I want more for my guys.
Her guys = Trumpkin and her car

Please note Trumpkin and the dinosaur (another of "her guys")

Oh no...my bib is trying to get off.

Erin: Who's your favorite Mommy?
pokes my cheek
Lily: This one!

I never!
Said when her meaning is "I promise I won't"

Singing to me, standing outside the door, while I attempt to use the bathroom alone
"Do you wanna build a snowman? Ok bye"

Claire: Lily's never had Ash on her forehead before. Ash Wednesday

Claire: Today is Ash Wednesday.
Lily: Yeah! We're going to get rash on our heads!
Claire: No, Lily. ASH, not RASH.
Lily: Ash on our heads!

Mata tata: pinata

Her mata tata creation

Cah-raisin: Craisin

Drops her flashlight somewhere into the depths of our van
FLASHLIGHT! I'll save you!

To Claire
Well done, my sister!

Mommy, I being cookie jar!
Cookie jar = Cookie Monster

Walking down the stairs with me for breakfast
Hi Daddy! I brought Mommy down.

Baby Aggabell: Baby Abigail

After I read her Where the Wild Things Are, she hugged and kissed the book:
This is mine.

Just a little light reading (The Atlantic) during breakfast.

I'm King Lily of the Wild Things.

Mommy did a picture and I talked.
I.e. I took a video of her.

Singing the ABC's
A, B, C, D, E, F, G...H, I, J, K, Animal P...

Don't you want my rock? It's boo-full. I picked it up for you.

Erin: Lily, if you make that bad decision, you'll be in trouble.
Lily: Don't put me in trouble! I want to stay here!

Sweet Lily had the flu (despite having had the flu shot), a bad reaction to Tamiflu (hallucinations of bugs), and a double ear infection at the beginning of March. It was AWFUL. She was so brave and such a trooper.

I'm helping! I'm a cowboy girl!

Oh, my garland! Oh, my garland!
rather than "darlin'"

On the board!
All aboard!

Three cheers for Daddy! He saved the deer!
After Brad deftly maneuvered around a deer in the road

One for Lily and one for Claire!
The best sharing girl. She says this every time she asks for a snack/treat/taste/food.

She came to the bathroom that I'm painting, bringing a snack.
We've got cookies! We've got spackle! Yay!

Posing with her "froggy friends" outside the super hippie shop around the corner from Claire's dance studio.

Erin: Claire, don't argue with me.
Lily: Claire, don't argue with me and Mommy.

Pu Pung Panda: Kung Fu Panda

I want that bigger.
Bigger: More

Purrs: Paws

Yes sir, Mommy!

To the tune of "You Are My Sunshine"
You are my sunshine! My Mommy sunshine!

Hey! Those green things watching TV just us!
The menu screen for Toy Story is a bunch of green alien squeak toys gathered around a TV.

I'll pray for Daddy! He's my FAVORITE GUY!

Grandpa, you're getting coffee! I'm so excited for you!

A goodie: a treat

Claire: HELP!
Lily: I coming! I the MASTER!

Sweet potatoes!
She made Mr. and Mrs. Sweet Potato hold hands and then called them sweet potatoes.

The sweet potatoes

I got a great idea!
Said anytime she wants to do something

Lily: I woke Claire up.
Erin: Why did you do that?
Lily: I wanted to talk to her.

Our girl.

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