Monday, July 29, 2013

Letter to my Little Bear


It's that time again...I feel like I JUST wrote your last letter. I know people say that time flies by and that I should have listened, but I'm just now realizing it in full. The last month just kind of disappeared somehow (not that we weren't having fun; it just went by really quickly).

We're still working on the hands-in-mouth situation.

Right now, you're taking a nap in your crib back in your room. That's right: while we were in Alabama, Daddy moved your crib into it's official spot. You've been in our room since you were born, partially because it was easier for me and partially because we have had a lot of guests (who stay in your room). You're not crazy about sleeping in there just yet. Probably because we just returned from spending three weeks with family that doesn't get to see you very often, and you were held most all the time. You don't like reality...the one where you have to nap in your crib. Bless your heart. And bless ours; we've had our nerves jostled quite a bit by the very adorable screaming you've been up to. 

The past month you've rolled from your tummy to your back a couple of times. You're not crazy about that either. You completely scared yourself the first time you did it and didn't do it again for a few weeks. We know that you can do it, but we're not pushing you to become incredibly mobile until you're fully ready. Take your time, Baby Bear.

Happy Fourth of July!

You do this really cute thing where you cross your ankles. So ladylike. You also are *this* close to sitting up on your own, and you love to stand (with help). It's pretty incredible to me how strong your muscles are! Seriously...I wish I had your core strength.

At your last doctor's appointment, you jumped from the 12th percentile for weight to the 20th. Woo! Hopefully, the doctors won't think I'm not feeding you any more. Just kidding. I hope...

Your height is in the 87th percentile, by the way. You little runway model, you.

Pretty much everyone (and I'm not exaggerating very much when I say "everyone") comments on your eyes. We hear things like, "Those eyes!" or "What gorgeous eyes!" or, in the case of the 15-year-old boy that rode next to us on one of our flights, "Your daughter has AMAZING eyes!" They are very cute. And, you use them very effectively. Are you doing that on purpose?

18 weeks old. We're sort of missing your pictures for weeks 19-21. Mommy failed to take the pillow with us to Alabama...

While we were south, we learned that you love the beach. Yay! You were completely happy with your feet in the water and your toes in the sand. I couldn't be prouder.

You were also AWESOME while traveling by plane. You made lots of friends and won lots of hearts. My life was made so much easier because of your happy disposition and good-naturedness. Thank you!

Crossed ankles! In your own room! 5 months / 22 weeks old!

We think you're adorable and sweet and precious. I keep thinking you just can't get any cuter and then you do. Daddy and I love you so so so so so so so much that we can hardly stand it!

P.S. Stop growing. It makes me cry a little. 

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