Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Around here lately: December 2017 edition

December was a doozy. The things said were funny and there were lots of them. Enjoy!

At her dental appointment when asked if she flosses:
My daddy is going to be a doctor of floss-ophy.

Claire is scratching in side her ear.
Claire: What is this that came out of my ear?
Erin: Earwax.
Claire: Should I put it back?

Finds a St. Patrick's Day ring and asks if St. Patrick is still alive. When told that he has already died:
Mommy, can I see St. Patrick when I get to heaven with Jesus?

Can we watch something that is available on Netflix?

How can we make this more sparkly?

As she finished getting dressed for school:
Ok, Daddy. You ready to roll?

I didn't mind the spicy in my drink. spicy = fizz/carbonation

Daddy, I've already watched the episode with the tortoise and the bunny.

Erin: Do you have your shoes and socks on yet?
Claire: No, my toes were just talking to the others.

Playing with a stuffed cow:
Cow, did you know I miss my Nana? What do you miss about your family?

Claire: What can I do?
Erin: You have a lot of toys to play with.
Claire: Well, all of my toys feel bad today.

After I sent her to time out, this is how she "retaliated:"
Mommy, I will NEVER stop growing up.

The chicken and the duck are giving love because they're friends.

Lily runs from every diaper change and "hides" against the front door.
(Claire shakes head knowingly) She does that every time.

Lily stands/climbs on something she shouldn't. Claire pulls the Santa hat she's wearing down over her (Claire's) eyes:
Oh, I can't look!

I want to be helpful and do love.

We were driving back from a family trip to Costco one evening, and I was feeling extremely sick.
Try not to throw up until we get home, Mommy. Then you can spit it in the trash can or potty.

Referring to Lily:
Isn't she the cutest?

Lily's a troublemaker. I'm not. Lies.

One of the gifts Claire's preschool class gave their teachers was a picture collage of each of the kids holding a sign of the gift they hoped their teachers would find under their Christmas trees. This was Claire's.

Greece-er, Greece-man = a native of Greece (when your daddy spends the majority of his time translating Greek, you think about Greece more than the average bear)

I texted and called Mr. Cow, but he didn't answer.

When discussing the tooth fairy:
I need a lot of money. Not 100 two thousand money. But five.

Erin: Could you stop growing up? Your pants are getting too short.
Claire: I must keep growing. That's what kids do. I can get bigger pants. Like Daddy.

Merry Advent Christmas!

I can't wait until morning day!

Lily, what do you think about your family while you're asleep?

Nap is hard. Again. Lies.

Erin: You can keep your water bottle by your bed during nap since you have a cough.
Claire: Well, if my bottle sleeps in my bed, it might distract me.

Sometimes, when I miss Nana and Poppy, I think about how much I love them and I hug my stuffed animals like I'm hugging them.

Can I try that sewing machine when I'm older? Lily 10 or 9?

Bye, Bo! I'll see you the second day! (in 2 days)

Rapunzel is brave. And I'm brave, too!

Claire: What about a rooster pig?
Erin: What's a rooster pig?
Claire: A rooster with wings!

Oh look! The Holy Family! (nativity)

Erin: Stop arguing with me.
Claire: I'm not arguing.
Erin: Yes, you are.
Claire: No, I'm not.

Puglix = Publix

While watching White Christmas, Rosemary Clooney is wearing a strapless dress and is sitting at a piano, which is obscuring her dress:
Why is she not wearing any clothes?

I'll take Lily to play with me. The rest of you look for my brush.

While watching a Superbook about Moses:
I will never take my shoes off outside. If it was holy ground I would, though.

Referring to the periscope that she got for Christmas:
I'm going to spy on people everyday!

I can reach ____ (I can't remember the object) because I'm older, smarter, and faster.

The early baby catches the tree! I have no idea.

Your shoes are very rainbow-y!

Bo, would you scratch Elphie's (Amiee's cat) ears while I'm gone?

Maybe I can do it when I'm six or ten or five.

4+5 is 9. 5+5 is 10. 3 plus more more is 100. I'm pretty good at numbers.

Feel this! (soft thing) You won't believe your fingers!

Jesus is one of our Christmas gifts!

Claire: Uncle Tim, did you know I go to school?
Tim: No, I didn't.
Claire: Well, now you do.

Did you know there is black sand in New Zealand? That's crazy, right?

Overhearing a conversation about a Dirty Santa game:
But Santa is clean, Mommy.

Referring to her remote control cars that her father and uncle were racing/running into each other:
The cars are friends!

Wiggle that booty!

I never stop talking!

You did it, you Genius Mommy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

These are too cute!! Please tell me how do you keep up with them? Do you instantly make a note when she says something adorable?

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