Monday, January 8, 2018

Thanksgiving 2017

Still playing catch-up. Almost there!

We spent Thanksgiving 2017 in Tennessee with our Boswell family. 

Here are some highlights:
1. Fun time with family!
2. (mostly) Nice weather!
3. Auburn WINNING the Iron Bowl!

The not-so-highlights:
STOMACH VIRUS. Guys. Claire had her first ever vomit virus a couple days before Thanksgiving. She's never vomited before (I don't count baby spit-up/vomit situations), so it was a little shocking for everyone. It was kind of weird, though, because she didn't act nauseated/miserable/lethargic. She just went from totally fine to projectile vomiting out of nowhere. She did it 3 times and was done. 

And we were all waiting to see who would be the next to fall victim. (Spoiler: it was me.)

Surprisingly, though, no one saw any symptoms for 4 days. We thought we were in the clear. (We weren't.) Brad and I went out for a dinner date on Saturday night, and about an hour after we got home, I was oh-so-much sicker than Claire. And I was feeeeeeeling it. None of this bouncing around with occasional moments of illness like she had done. I'll spare you any extra details, but suffice it to say that I felt like I was on Death's actual Door for the next 40ish hours. I literally lost weight over Thanksgiving. It was miserable. I missed every single second of the Iron Bowl and couldn't even care until a few days later. How sad is that??

Gran and Grandpa offered to keep the girls for an extra week, which turned out to be extra helpful, thanks to Brad getting sick as soon as we got home. It was really helpful to have several days to recover without having the littles to care for while we just tried to survive. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL, GRAN AND GRANDPA.

Outside of that terrible, horrible, no good virus, we did have some great memory-making moments:

Visits with Papaw!

And Mamaw! Note: Barbara texted me during the girls' Bonus Week to tell me that Lily got ahold of Papaw's lift chair remote at one point and had Papaw going all over the place. Priceless. (No Papaws were hurt in the making of this story.)

Aunt Sue made the most adorable cookies decorated with candy turkeys. Obviously, Lily enjoyed the experience.

The girls had a blast playing bubbles with Ray Ray.

Claire was super focused on perfecting her own skills, and Lily was all for catching Ray Ray's handiwork.

Lily REALLY enjoys meal times.

Ray Ray needed to study over the break. And so did Lily, it seems.

Barbara and I particularly like to do a big puzzle over holiday visits. Brad and Rachael usually jump in and help, as well. This was a really fun one of bestselling book covers.

Lily's really into hats. Sometimes hers...sometimes not.

Helping Grandpa with leaves.

So good at helping.

Barbara got this precious picture of Claire that I love.

Quick Lily story: Barbara and I were getting the girls dressed one morning, and Lily was just not into any of the clothing options Barbara was offering her. She wanted very much to wear something that she spotted in Claire's bag (which is size 4T...Lily is mostly in 2T). Barbara pulled out a cute top + tutu combo, and it pushed Lily to her breaking point: she covered her eyes with her hand and turn her head away, a la Scarlett O'Hara. THE DRAMA IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE. We finally got clothes on her by offering her a too-big-for-her flouncy Auburn tutu dress. Please note that it was dayssss before the Iron Bowl. But at that point, we were just grateful to have her clothed.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! (and that you did not get any stomach viruses)


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