Sunday, September 2, 2018

Around here lately: August 2018 edition

When we drove back through TN at the end of July/beginning of August, Brad and Barbara took the big girls to Virginia one morning to visit a little zoo. Claire was thrilled to be in Virginia "where Bo is doing practice!" (training before her move to Kenya)

Erin: Did you cry about your boo-boo?
Claire: Yes. I had to.

I’ll put on a show for her! A little show of mine.
Referring to entertaining Brynn.

I told the fan to stop wiggling, but it wouldn’t.
The fan was set on a setting that was a little too high and was shaking.

Mommy, I hate to tell you this. I haven’t been sleeping with Lambsy on my face recently. I’m sorry.
Ever since she was a very little girl, Claire has slept with a little lamb stuffy draped over her eyes. I’ve always loved that she did that, so when she recently stopped, she felt she had to break the news to me gently.

Lily: I did it! I go doctor!
Claire: That’s my sister!
Said in the vein of “That-a-girl!”

Watching a ballet dvd for children, in which they ask viewers to imagine they are going on a trip.
Dance dvd: Where are you going on your adventure?
Claire: Kenya!

Claire: Did you sleep during naptime, Mommy?
Erin: No, but I wanted to.
Claire: Well, you have another chance tonight.

When I’m in my bed and scared, I know that Jesus is with me He can do anything.

Lily: I Mommy.
Claire: You’re not the real mommy…

You gave me a startle!

translating for Lily
She means she wants a jammie (pajamas) of Red Sox.

Truly, I know it, Mommy. You just don't understand.

I can't keep my growing under control, Mommy. How many times have I told you?

Claire: Which movie?
Erin: The Lion King.
Claire: What did he lie about?

Claire: Do the lions in the movie talk or roar?
Erin: Both.
Claire: So, it's for kids AND grown-ups!

Can I be excused to Brynnie?
Can I be excused to go play with Brynnie?

Erin: Claire, you're the best biggest sister.
Claire: Aw, Mommy, you're too kind.

How do we see things? My eyes are hazel, but all of our things aren't hazel...

My water went down the wrong way. It went right instead of left.

While riding in the van
Lily: A cow, Claire!
Claire: Oh cool! A cow in North Carolina...that's funny.

Did you sneaky put it in?

Looking out her window during a thunderstorm
I feel bad for the spiders.

That was the first time I saw lightening with cracks!

Mommy, I am falling in love with our house.

Claire: I feel a bone in the corner of her. (Brynn)
Erin: ???
Claire: Of her ARM.

Robot cars = remote control cars

She liked my manners.
Employee at Target

Erin: Please stop making that noise.
Claire: But Mommy, I'm unstoppable.

Lily jabbering. Erin confused.
Claire: I don't know, Mommy. I can't sound it out.

Brad and Erin spell in front of Claire and Lily.
Why are you guys hiding the words from us?

Well, I'm just having a dinosaur picnic.

She's doing her exercise!
Brynn's tummy time

Watching a movie wherein two characters have captured a mouse in their house and are taking it outside.
Are they taking him on an outing?

To Lily

The baby turtles will live happily ever after down at the ocean.
Referring to the sea turtles that hatched around the time we were at the beach.

Shhh...turtles can be shy.

I don't know why my goggles wanted to leave me.
Claire's swimming goggles washed away in the ocean. It was sad.

To me
Where's your sunburn? Oh, I see it. It's a trapezoid. With a half-sphere on top.

Mommy, I'm sorry I didn't sit next to you the day before Brynnie was born.
The day before Brynnie was born, I asked Claire to come cuddle with me. She was playing and didn't want to stop. Apparently, she feels sorry about it now.

This is a picture Claire drew during church of herself holding hands with Jesus. Not sure who that is in the background...

Brad hugs Erin.
Awwww...that's so SWEET!

I'm just going from mountain to mountain.
Trekking through the dips and ripples in the sand at the beach.

My froat hurts. Why do you think it's mad at me?

Dalmatian Dogs = 101 Dalmatians

Ocean washes up and fills up a hole Claire and Lily have been digging.
Thanks, Water, for stopping by!

Maybe there's going to be a number 3 of fish, and it's going to be Finding Marlin!

Babies like soft, Lily.
Read: pat Brynn gently

Oh goodness. Looks like we've got traffic.

What you can do is just what you can do, Brynnie.

Bill was digging a hole in the sand.

It's Universal on earth!
The Universal intro at the beginning of a movie.

Gran and I are just having a little chat.

I made Chompers up in my head.
Chompers is a podcast for children with episodes the length of dentist-recommended times for brushing teeth. I wasn't able to play it for her one night while she brushed her teeth and asked her what she did in lieu of having me play it for her.

Erin: Girls, are you just walking in circles? (while wearing their new church shoes)
Claire: Yes, so we can be fancy and magnificent. Lily, come along.

Nail chops = nail clippers

I'm putting star stickers on Mrs. Romine's card so she'll know she's a star!

Erin: Go ahead and write your name so she'll know it's from you.
Claire: Well, does she know I'm still working on my "a's"?

On 101 Dalmatians, the dogs pass a message from dog to dog using "the twilight bark." Claire was playing with some toy horses, pretending that they had lost their babies (like in 101 Dalmatians) and were passing a message along to other horses. 
Mommy, they're using the Twilight Hee-Haw!
She has, apparently, forgotten that horses say "neigh."

Claire: When people pass out, they won't get germs anymore.
Erin: Why do you say that?
Claire: Because they'll get buried in a hold.
Pause. Confusion.
Erin: Do you mean when they die?
Claire: Yeah! When they pass out. Pass out is another word for "die."
Erin: I think you mean "pass away."
Claire: Oh, right.

On the first day of school, I'll eat breakfast, brush my teeth, make my bed, get dressed, get my bag, and check my letter to remember the teachers' names. Then, I'll go to school!
She's very worried she won't remember her teachers' names, and she knows we got a letter in the mail with information about the first day of school.

Aw...Brynnie's voice is as little as her!

The caterpillar is doing his back stretch again!
Watching a caterpillar on the back porch

Referring to the paper mache dinosaur egg craft Kat did with the girls back in October
It was a MIRACLE!

Bye, Daddy! Have a good run! Don't fall on your short knees! Aren't they adorable?

To Brad and me, referring to some bags of chips that she absolutely wanted to partake of that had been left out on the table
Um, Mr. and Mrs., I see some chips that somebody did get cleaned up.

Nana (reading a book with Claire): Look what the bird has painted!
Claire: It's a masterpiece!

Poppy, you did splendid!

Tell me the "hi" name again.
Asking me to remind her what the Swahili word for "hi" is (Jambo).

I think it's cute when you say "Amiee" to Bo.

The Great Pyramid of Diesel = The Great Pyramid of Giza

I'm like a little mouse that's hungry.

I can remember it in my head but not in my mouth.
Trying to remember a word.

Would you fast forward it back?

I love this girl with all my heart, y'all. May she never change.

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

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