Saturday, September 15, 2018

Letter to my Baby Brynn: 4 Months


It kinda hurts my feelings that I am ALREADY writing your letter for FOUR MONTHS. These days are racing by, and while I'm grateful that you are consistently sleeping through the night and are on a fairly well-set nursing schedule, I am in no way wanting these days to slip away so fast. You are an absolute joy and delight, and I could not be happier to be spending these days with you.

Although you're only 4 months old (even though the days are going by quickly, in the grand scheme of your life, 4 months isn't very many), you've had a full and busy life! This past month, you've been on your second beach trip (to Topsail Island, NC with Gran and Grandpa), you traveled to your 4th state (Virginia for Bo's commissioning service), and attended your first Duke football game. WHEW! You were a champ for all of it, smiling all the way!

Our time at Topsail was so fun, and you were so happy to be with family and to spend time down on the sand, enjoying the breeze and the sound of the water. You got lots of cuddle time, and you did not get a sunburn, so I count the whole week a success!

We went with Nana and Poppy to Virginia for several days to see Bo's commissioning service. It was miserably hot, but you were such a trooper, and we all thought you did a fantastic job of enhancing our visit (minus a few bouts of car crying when you were overly tired).

Although riding in the van for long trips is not your favorite, you bear up as well as you can, and we're thankful. In addition to hitting a sleeping/eating schedule, you've started laughing more, and you're very close to rolling. It isn't entirely your fault that you aren't already rolling; I haven't given you too many opportunities to practice, as I am delaying your mobility as long as possible. Poppy gave me the side-eye for that, so I've *begrudgingly* started giving you more floor time/tummy time. AGAINST MY WILL, mind you.

You absolutely love and adore your sisters. They both love to play with you during your floor time, and you cannot contain your smiles and enthusiasm for spending time with them. It makes me unbelievably happy; I pray that your relationships with one another will only continue to grow and strengthen. I want you all to be each others' best friends and greatest allies throughout your lives. So far, so good.

We had to say a 2-year "see you later" to Bo this month. She moved to Kenya for a 2-year service term, and we will miss her dreadfully. Although you won't remember much of this time without her present at family gatherings (and you'll see her regularly on FaceTime), I'm a little sad that you won't have the fun of play time with Bo for a while. She loves you immensely, and don't you worry: you'll see her face very often.

We are so very grateful for you, Brynna. Our family has only been sweetened by you!

Fun on Topsail!


#sistersshotsonsundays with Mommy and Bo included!

 Bye, Bo! We love you!

I love your many faces!

Duke v Army game! It was SO HOT. But Duke won!

Your thoughts on overly-exuberant sisters...

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

4 Months
I completely did not realize that you were wearing this outfit two weeks in a row...apparently, it's a favorite of mine.

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

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