Monday, December 17, 2018

Letter to my Baby Brynn: 7 Months

Sweetie-baby Brynn,

You are seven months old and are SUCH a sunshine-girl! A few weeks ago at church, you were in Sunday school with me, and our friend, Sophia (she's from China!), was sitting next to us and interacting with you. After a while, she looked at me and said, "She has a special spirit about her!" I could not agree with her more. You DO have a special spirit about you, and I thank the Lord daily for giving you to us.

The main thing that sticks out to me about you this last month is that you've become even more interactive with everyone. You're *somehow* even more expressive and smiley, and you LOVE to be kissed and snuggled. You absolutely lean into kisses and, occasionally, try to give kisses back. When you're frustrated (which is, admittedly, pretty rare), you blow raspberries in protest. I think that you think you're raising a real ruckus when you do that...when really, it's just so funny.

You've also begun experimenting with new sounds, particularly "buh buh buh" and "pah pah pah." I'm trying to coax you into "ma ma ma." 

Praise the Lord, you've finally figured out how to put your own paci in your mouth! You can't always find it on your own, but you can, in fact, get it in your own mouth. We are also still swaddling you for nap and bed (we know you're not a newborn anymore, but if it ain't broke...), and you're definitely strong enough and squirmy enough to bust out of your swaddle more regularly, which is keeping us on our toes, as you don't sleep well when you are able to flail. We have to start working on that, but I'm just not excited about it.

No crawling or pulling up yet (fine by me), and you still only roll one direction, which leads to some funny situations when you get stuck and can't roll back out the way you came. You love LOVE the Jenny Jump-Up doorway bouncer and are becoming stronger and better at it all the time. Neither of your sisters were ever that into it, so I'm loving watching you enjoy it enough for all three of you.

I love your sweet giggles and the happy smiles you so freely give. I love the way you light up when you see any of us and how much you adore your sisters. You are SUCH a delight to any and everyone. We are so beyond thankful for the gift of you.


Week 27

Week 28

Week 29

Week 30
This is one of my favorite pictures of all time.

7 months
There were so many cute little shots from this week that I included several. I couldn't quit.

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