Saturday, October 17, 2020

Letter to my Hallie: 1 Month

My sweet baby Hallie,

Everything about your little life has surprised me. Your very existence, a pregnancy during a pandemic, your early and unplanned arrival...and what an absolutely surprising delight you were during your first month of life. I've joked that you've been making up for that miserable pregnancy by being the world's sweetest baby. But it's not really a joke; it's so true. You've been an absolute dream baby.

For the first two weeks, we had to take you in for weight checks every few days (we had to do the same when Claire was a baby). It took you just a beat to begin packing on some chub, but that's not to say that you weren't a good eater. You were an excellent eater from the very first moment in the hospital. That was such a relief for me.

You've been an excellent eater and sleeper, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. You're cuddly and snuggly and very content. Sometimes you are a little grunty from a touch of reflux, but even with that, you've been chill and laidback. You also let EVERYONE love all over you. And trust me: everyone does. None of us are immune to your cuteness and sweetness.

We joke that you are Lily's baby; she might be the most taken with you out of everyone (minus Daddy and me). She always wants to hold you, hold your hand, lay right next to you, talk to and sing to you. She knew you were on the way before we ever told her (which shocked me to death!), and she's been in your corner ever since.

None of us can stop staring at you. Or snuggling you. Or dropping everything and running to you if you make any noise (which you don't do often). You are the gift we never knew we wanted, Hallie. Thankfully, the Lord knew that we needed you. I will never stop thanking him for that.

Love you,

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

1 Month

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