Saturday, November 21, 2020

Letter to My Hallie: 2 Months

Dear Hallie-baby,

To no one's surprise, your second month of life absolutely flew by. I have no idea where the time went.

This month brought lots of new developments! My favorite is that you started giving me 6-7 hour stretches at night very consistently. That was the very best gift! You continued to battle some tummy disgruntledness and lots of reflux. However, you are very rarely upset by the reflux, so the doctors still label you a "happy spitter." I'll take it. Although...we go through a LOT of bibs, burp cloths, and clothes (yours and mine).

You found your tongue this month, and it is HILARIOUS! Daddy, particularly, likes to get you to stick your tongue out. You are a great sport and play right along. Your sisters also enjoy getting in on the game.

We've packed away the newborn clothes and used up the last of the newborn size diapers. You still fit in newborn clothes around your middle, but you are a long gal and were busting out of your footie jammies! And your newborn size diapers were riding quite low. So, up a size we went!

Speaking of your sisters, they are still totally at your beck and call. If you need anything, they drop what they're doing and run to help you. One day, you were upstairs with me and were crying. Next thing I knew, Brynnie had rushed up the stairs (as much as a 2-year-old can rush) with your paci. It was the sweetest. She also brings me your paci, burp cloth, and blanket every morning when we get downstairs. Lily begs to hold you regularly and smothers you with kisses. Claire is such a helper for me in holding you and keeping an eye on you when I need to do things around the house or for other sisters.

You are smiling- knowingly- now, and we love it! We all will act like total fools to get you to smile (although, it doesn't really take too much work). It is just so much fun! 

It makes me sad that you are a baby of COVID times, as it means that I don't get to share you and the joy that you are with our friends. I desperately wish everyone could know you and your sweet self.

Hallie, we love you to pieces. You are such a bright and happy spot in our world.


Dressed up for Daddy's birthday

Learning to like the bath

Just a *few* pictures of you sweetly sleeping:

Some dress-up shots from Sundays at home:

Some awakey pictures! We love seeing you watch the world:

One day you were wide awake and so very happy, so we did an impromptu photo shoot in one of my most favorite outfits (jammies):

We were given several extremely thoughtful and kind gifts from dear friends to celebrate you! Fourth babies (and especially fourth daughters) don't get baby showers in the way that other babies do, but I teared up a little over every single thing that has been given to you, as they are all so thoughtful and full of meaning. 

One morning, I was watching a friend from church's Instagram story and saw that she had screenshot this note from the church weekly email and added her own sweet note.

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

2 Months

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