Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Brad and I are back in the States now, and I'm able to update! With pictures!

Madrid is lovely. As I mentioned here, Brad and I spent our first afternoon on the continent wandering around Madrid. People had great faith in our abilities; they set us loose in Madrid. Alone. Jetlagged. Wowsers.

We were armed with a map of downtown, as well as a map of the metro. We were pretty dead-on-our-feet pretty quickly, and it took us a little while to orient ourselves directionally. We may or may not have walked in the right direction the first time, convinced ourselves we were wrong, backtracked, and realized we'd been standing exactly ACROSS THE STREET from our destination the first time. Oi.

We had paella for lunch and very much enjoyed the sights of downtown Madrid! Hope you enjoy, as well.

Plaza Mayor:

Check out this guy's "face." So weird.

From the front, this was a big "dog." I felt a little sorry for this poor street performer...crawling around on his knees on the cobblestones.

Things spotted on the walk to the Catedral:

Please note: those are not real people in on the balconies.

The Catedral:

El Palicio:

Brad: "I could totally live there."
Erin: "What about me?"
Brad: "You could live there, too."

Lamp post.

Fancy lamp post.

On the walk to/at Plaza Espana:

Seen on the walk to Plaza Espana. About the time we decided we were totally beat.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Picture taken from the bench across the Plaza, as I whined about never being able to move ever again...

We enjoyed our afternoon of sightseeing in Spain. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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