Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Letter to my little bear.

Dear Bearsy,

My mom (you call her Nana) cross-stitched something when I was a baby, and it hangs in my room in Alabama to this day. It goes a little something like this:

Cleaning and dusting can wait 'til tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So cobwebs be quiet, and dust go to sleep,
Because I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.

I'm starting to think that maybe that cross-stitch was sort of a fortune cookie for me. I've looked at it my whole life, but I always thought of it in terms of Nana and me...and now I think about it in terms of you and me.

Mostly because the house is really dusty right now. And (because Nana and Gran are both back in the South-land), the laundry is piling up. You're still in your jammies (and so am I...at 1:00), and I haven't done a single productive thing today, outside of feeding you and changing your diaper.

So, what have I been doing today, the day that you turn 2 months old? Holding you while you nap. It's one of those days where you sleep a lot; yesterday, you were awake a lot. You like to keep me on my toes like that. I tried you out in your bouncy seat, but you kept popping your paci out (in your sleep) and heroically trying to get it back in there (still in your sleep). I felt sorry for you and decided to help you out. Then, I couldn't bring myself to put you back in there. You were just too cute.

I thought you were the cutest when you were born, but you've just gotten cuter and cuter. Your personality is coming out now, and I just can't handle it. You smile (like, knowingly...not just in your sleep) and make funny noises. You love snuggling and talking it out with Daddy, and you hate having clothes pulled over your head. You also don't like having a wet diaper. You still have super expressive hands and move them all the time. It's adorable. 

We gave you a bath in your flower tub for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and you loooooooove it. You are really offended when bath time ends. 

You are such a good girl when we go places, like church or out to eat. We couldn't be prouder of how sweet you are. 

We had quite the eventful week leading up to your 2-month birthday. We took you to your first Boston Marathon, and we had a wonderful time watching and cheering (technically, you slept, but that's no big deal). The day ended very sadly; two bombs exploded at the finish line (three miles away from us) and hurt a lot of people. It was a very sad day; we spent the evening watching the news and praying. A lot of friends were checking on you, though, making sure you were ok. We have wonderful friends and lots of people who love you.

Later that week, we woke up and found out that one of the men who planted the bombs was running away from the police and was in Watertown, which is the next neighborhood over from ours (hint: it's where the Target is). We needed to spend the whole day inside. You slept through most of it, and when you were really awake that night, the brave policemen found the bomber and all of Boston (and the rest of the country) celebrated. Again, so many people checked on you and prayed for you. It was quite a week.

In a couple days, we'll go to the doctor for you to get your first round of, um, band-aids. I'm not excited, but I know you'll be a brave little girl. Maybe we'll give you a bath when we get home, as a treat.

I love you, Bearsy. I'm glad that we're hanging out on the couch today. I'll just close the blinds to hide the dust and ignore the dishes in the sink. 

Photos courtesy of Gran.


M & M said...

She really is cute! So many babies are not at that age...

And love the flower tub--just saw one and thought it so clever!

Jennifer said...

What a cutie!! She has so many expressions!!

Also if I ever have any other children, I'm totally going to have to have that flower baby bath. That's too cute!!

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