Monday, December 10, 2012

The Day I Met My Favorite Bloggers.

Yes, you read that title correctly. Go ahead and call me a nerd. I know it's true.

My favorite blog is Young House Love. I read it every day (in fact, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, I check it twice a day because they do a morning AND an afternoon post. See how much of a fan I am?). It's a home improvement/do-it-yourself/life kind of blog, and I really enjoy it. I've been reading it for about 2 years, but I've actually gone back and read every post. Not all at one time...that would be crazy! I thoroughly enjoy their writing styles (it's a husband and wife team, and they're both very talented) and their content. 

Anyway, they recently published a book (!), and a few months ago, they posted about their book tour/signing schedule. Boston was on the list! I immediately begged Brad to go with me (he agreed), and we put it on the calendar. 

I was so excited. Counted down the weeks. Brad wasn't as intrinsically excited, but he was excited that I was excited.

The day of the book signing was supposed to be rainy all day. No big deal. It was dreary and overcast all morning and drizzled a little bit. By the afternoon, when I headed up to BC with Brad, it was flurrying. The forecast had most certainly not predicted that it would be cold enough for snow, but I didn't think too much of it; the ground was too wet for anything to stick. I had, thankfully, worn my heavy coat. Unfortunately, I passed quite a few BC students who had prepped for rain (lighter clothes, rain boots, umbrellas) rather than the strange wintry weather coming in.

By late afternoon, it was full-on snowing, and we discovered that a Nor'easter was blowing in. In a matter of hours, the soggy ground had completely frozen over, and the snow (that was coming down in earnest) was definitely collecting. By the time we left for the book signing, we were both wearing heavy coats with hood PLUS our hats under the hoods. It. was. cold.

We got to the book signing a little before 6:00 (official start time) and found ourselves at the back of a VERY long line. To cut to the chase, the supposed-to-be-2-hour-signing had us moseying up to get my book signed 3 hours after we got there. That's dedication. We got buddy-buddy with the people in line with us. One gal even took this picture for us:

The event was held at our local West Elm, and all of the West Elms that hosted YHL book signings served hot chocolate and cookies at their events. Also, do you see the snow on Brad's collar??

We got to chat briefly with John and Sherry, which was so fun. I even got congratulated on the whole being pregnant thing. They also asked if it was a boy or girl; Sherry was guessing boy based on "how I'm carrying her." Not sure what that means, though, because a few weeks later, one of our flight attendants said the same thing- only that she knew it was a girl. 

Anyway, I had a great time, and Brad got some reading for class done while we were in line. By the time we got home, this is what our apartment door looked like. Crazy.

The snow all melted the next day, and it hasn't been that cold since. And, I'll be getting an autographed YHL book for Christmas. Thanks, Santa. This is why living in Boston is cool.

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