Friday, June 14, 2013

Welcome to Hotel Boswell

Life is just never dull, is it? It's always such fun to see what's just around the bend.

I've shared about Rachael's visit, the Brassarts' visit, and the Boswell parents' visit recently. The next visit I planned to write about is Kat's upcoming visit (yay!), but instead, I have a different post to write today.

This past Monday, I got a phone call from a West Tennessee number that I didn't recognize, so I let it go to voicemail. When I checked the voicemail, I found myself listening to a guy from Jackson, Will, who jogged my memory of him by reminding me that he sings with Amiee in Union's choirs and that Brad and I used to sit behind his parents at Christ Community. Ha! Isn't that a funny reminder? The short story is that he and two friends (Josh and Peter) are spending the summer biking down the east coast and needed a place to stay in Boston.

We have room, so I called him back and said, "Sure. Two of you will have to bunk together in a full size bed, but sure."

They took me up on it and showed up Tuesday afternoon. Because they'd biked 60 miles that day (!), they needed a snack before dinner. So, while they ate two sandwiches each (bless 'em), I heard a little more about their trip. Josh and Peter are actually getting course credit in Philosophy for their journey and experiences. Will is just along for the ride...pun intended.

They don't really have long-range plans, other than beginning in Bar Harbour, Maine and ending in Key West. In every town they plan to spend the night, they seek the hospitality of those in the town. They have some really neat stories of how lodging has been provided. You can read about it on their blog.

Because they decided to spend a day sightseeing in Boston (who wouldn't want to?), they ended up staying two nights with us. The first night, they were able to join our church neighborhood group (which meets at our house- there's a picture of all of us on their blog). The second night, they met up with some other Union folks while out seeing the sights, and we all hung out for a little while at our apartment.

It was fun to offer them some hospitality and to be a part of their journey. Check out their blog to read about the neat people they've met and the crazy experiences they've encountered. Godspeed, fellas!

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

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