Saturday, June 22, 2013

Adventures with the Kitty Kat

For those of you that read this blog semi-regularly, you know of my bff, Kat. For those of you who've been reading since the Ukraine days, you may remember some of our adventures from her visit, like the train mishap. Or perhaps this story about creepy Kat in Ukraine. Or this visit with a Ukrainian friend, wherein we discovered the fruity burst of flavor. Anyway, she's an adventurer, and we always have the best time. (She's also the one Brad and I fared the aftermath of the tornado with. We're tight, y'all.)

Anyway, she came to visit Baby Bear this week! She's already visited once, back in the fall. I was feeling like death back in those days, so we didn't get to do a whole lot (other than a visit to Cambridge...on the day of the Havard-Yale game...bad decision...). So this time, we planned a little outing to one of our favorites: Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

SO excited to meet Kitty Kat! Meow.

Brad took me to Portsmouth back in the fall- to an Ingrid Michaelson concert. We loved it. And, I think I've mentioned before that we just really like New Hampshire. I was pretty sure that Kat would enjoy the day trip.

Getting ready for the trip! Yay!

Even MORE excited in the car!!

We got to Portsmouth around lunch time (it's about an hour and a half away) and walked around a little while before eating. (We had eaten a big breakfast. I pinned a recipe for Brad on Pinterest a while back, and it was a hit. This French toast. Yum. The secret is using challah bread.) Downtown Portsmouth is just adorable. We stuck our heads into a few shops and really enjoyed looking around. We found this whole section of bacon-flavored paraphernalia at one little novelty store. I really wanted to buy something for someone...but I couldn't think of who would best appreciate bacon-flavored toothpicks. 

Quaint street scene.

Shops around the town square.

Found a lamp post. Bearsy first lamp post picture!

For being such good friends, we have a shameful paucity of pictures together. We're trying to rectify that situation.

Brad and Bearsy reading in one of the shops. I was *this* close to buying her the N is for New Hampshire book. She has the Y is for Yellowhammer (Alabama) one. I want to start her a collection for the states she visits.

Thought about eating at The Rusty Hammer...just kidding.

Or maybe at Fat Belly's...REALLY just kidding.

Found this little watering hole for puppies.

We had lunch at a little cafe place, where Kat joined Brad in the classic New England dining experience: lobster rolls. And, it was an awesome lunch special. Those lobster rolls can rack up a massive tab sometimes, y'all. I got a blt. Not a New England classic, but it was good, nonetheless.

Kitty Kat and Bearsy photo shoot. Bear LOVES Kat.

Daddy got in on the fun.

After lunch, we walked down to the water. The view wasn't just exceptionally stellar, but we enjoyed watching all the men who set up shop to watch the construction on the drawbridge. Seriously, there were men with lawn chairs set up in the shade, just watching. It was funny. Bearsy took a little nap in her stroller while we were hanging out. We also found a photo opportunity with cut-out critters that you stick your head through (This was outside the public bathrooms. I should mention that the bathroom stalls had EIGHT toilet paper dispensers in each stall! Should have taken a picture of that...). While we were getting those pictures in the cut-out, a man stopped Brad and asked to see the back of his t-shirt (Julie Boyer: it was last year's KAA shirt!). The man was so excited, because the shirt references 2 Corinthians. He was so pumped to meet another believer. We chatted for a few minutes about how he volunteers with a prison ministry, and we met his little family. Such a neat little moment; one that doesn't happen in this part of the country very often.

Drawbridge under construction.

Some of the fellas watching the construction...

How Bearsy felt about the construction. 

The Coast Guard was hanging out.

So was the Fire Boat.

Another friend picture. Y'all. We're on a roll.

We finished up in Portsmouth by checking out the Book and Bar: a bookstore and bar/cafe combo. Kat found quite a few treasures, Bearsy continued napping, and Brad read through a book about the year the Red Sox won the World Series (written by Stephen King...apparently, he's a big Red Sox fan.). A good time was had by all.

We wrapped up the day with a little jaunt over the state line into Maine. Portsmouth is just a few miles from Maine, so we thought it would be fun to hit up three states in one day. Plus, Kat had never been to either New Hampshire or Maine. We visited Yummies Candies and Nuts. Wow. So much candy. Kat and I are, apparently, old because we wandered the aisles of this candy shop, saying things like, "Oh man, I loved __ when I was little! I would never eat that now..." and "My granddaddy used to have those all the time." It was floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall. Wowzers. I almost bought the Red Sox Pez dispenser, but I ended up getting candy Legos. 

Saw this on our way out of Portsmouth. A hashtag on a sign? Really?

Water tower right inside Maine. They love their lobsters.

The candy store.

Sorry this is blurry. The whole store looked like this. So. Much. Candy.

We wrapped up our evening with a great game of Ticket To Ride. We've been taking advantage of Kat's and our mutual love of board games. So far, we've play three times, and we've each one once. She's here for a few more days, so I'm certain more adventures await.

Loving on Kat.

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