Saturday, January 19, 2019

Letter to my Baby Brynn: 8 Months

This is nearly two weeks late, but here it is!


You turned 8 months on January 7th, and I'm still scratching my head over where all the time has gone. It felt like it took FOREVER to get you here...and now here we are, watching you grow up it record time. STOP IT. My heart cannot handle it.

One of your favorite activities

Such a big, fun month we had! You celebrated your very first Christmas this last month, which was just delightful (you also got very, very sick, which was not delightful at all.). We traveled to both Alabama and Tennessee, and you met (and charmed) even more friends and family. I love having a little baby at Christmas time, and you were nothing short of sweet little magic.

Meeting Ellie for the first time! She also gave you your first bites of sugar. She's your favorite now.

Meeting Aunt Jenny!

Your beautiful Christmas dress

You also experienced your first snow! We didn't take you out in it, but we did watch the big girls play in it. You enjoyed that very much.

Bundled up for snow watching

You're continuing to grow more and more into yourself and your personality, which is so fun to see. However, I'm not sure who told you that you could develop really strong and loud opinions, but good grief, you took it to heart. You are no shrinking violet, as Gran said. I know that this will serve you well, this strong and confident streak, but I also know I'm always going to have to bring my A-game around here.

We've been offering you more and more solid foods over the past month, and I've got to say: you're still only marginally interested in much of it. I let you try Cheerios a few weeks ago so you could practice your pincer grip, and you LOVED them and now refuse some foods in hopes of scoring some more Cheerios. You will- quite literally-turn your nose up at food in an attempt to get some Cheerios. Such a stinker.

Still not crawling, and I'm still good with that. You've mostly figured out how to roll in both directions at this point and have also gotten much better at sitting up unassisted. You don't topple nearly as much (although when you do, you are VERY offended). I love watching you realize how much new stuff you can do now like play with a bucket of blocks or a stuffed animal. It's so cute. You've also graduated to taking a bath in the Bumbo with your sisters. It is so fun to watch all of you girls having fun in the tub together.

Sometimes you get a little sitting help...

You're still our smiley, happy, sunshine girl, and I'll always love you for it. 
Thank you for being you,

Sleeping Beauty
I can't even handle your sweet, sleepy self.

Fun with family!

 We just love your beautiful, happy face!

Week 32

I couldn't pick just one!

Week 33

Week 34

8 Months!

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