Saturday, May 18, 2019

LILY-ISMS: April 2019 edition

Lily's vocabulary has expanded so much over the last few months, and she's sharing her thoughts and ideas so very freely. It's hilarious and keeps us on our toes. Always.

I brustrated.

Out of the clear blue…
Mommy, I no need to go to the potty. Don’t take me.
This, for sure, meant that she needed to go.

Reading a book to her owl

Daddy, I got you some pah-corn. You hungry for pah-corn?

Me and Brynnie have match!
Matching pajamas

Matching jammies...mismatched slippers

I watching the boo-full rain go dropping.

Claire’s birthday going out. My birthday coming up!


Elphie can scratch. She has very scratchy claws!
Amiee’s cat

Elphie is a very very very scratchy girl.

Mommy, cats are ADORABLE!

Playing doctor
I just fixing you.

I want to see you again!
I’m glad to see you again.

What that can be?
What is it?

Mommy, I miserable.

These guys are my buddies. My pals.
Animal stickers

Oh! They’re both buddies!
The volcanoes in “Lava

How it does (pronounced do-ess) anything?
Referring to how Brad’s electric scooter works

Do you nice to snakes (pronounced snake-ess)? Do you nice to cats?
Do you nice = do you like

Erin: Why are you pushing your chair up against me?
Lily: Because I want to see you this day!

Nursery worker: Good morning, Lily!
Lily: I’m going to be a flower girl tomorrow.
Tomorrow = September

I just check you, Mommy.
I’m checking on you.

I want something to taste on.

Hey Mommy, you’re messing up my talking to Daddy.
to Daddy.
You’re interrupting.

Drops and cracks Easter egg
Mine’s about to hatch!

Do you wanna be some friends?

Oh! There’s a triangle for me!
When I lay on my side with my knees bent, making an angle/triangle. The girls like to curl up in the “triangle.”

Murmurs while eating a snack
Erin: What was that you said?
Lily: Oh, fingers saying, “Thanks, teeth!”

Attempting to say our address
Narkina = North Carolina
Lily: Mommy. Say, “good job, Lily.”
Erin: Good job, Lily!
Lily: Thanks, Mommy.

Or-port = Airport

Erin: Lily, you have to go let Daddy change your Pull-Up.
Lily: Will you stay here with my guys?
Her stuffed animals

Lily was jumping on her bed at Mom and Dad’s, fell and bumped her head.
Nana: Lily, why did you bump your head? After having told her not to jump
Lily: McDougal pushed me.
McDougal = stuffed Westie

I’m not whining. I just want to be happy.

Lily: Do you want to play with it?
Nana: Maybe later.
Lily: It IS later.

Finn McMissile verrrrry tricky!

Greets a lady at my mom and dad’s church. Did a loop around the church and saw her again.
So nice to see you again!

I just love her sweet toddler face.

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