Tuesday, June 18, 2019

LILY-ISMS: May 2019 edition

Lily's vocabulary and pronunciation has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few months, and we've been having the biggest laughs at the stuff she says! Enjoy!

Pushes plate away, on second helpings of everything
I don't like food! I just want to play.

The beach is very, very, very over there! 

I need, I need, I need our beach!

Brad: Will you play frisbee with me?
Lily: No, I need to do my work.
Industriously digs in sand

Lily: Did you say "Lily?"
Brad: No, I didn't.
Claire: Did you hear someone say "Lily?"
Lily: Yes.
Claire: Maybe it was God!
Lily: No. It was Daddy.

Claire, do you ready?

I want to hold yours hand. I just love you.

Mr. Glopglop is a sea monster! I'm going to feed Mr. Glopglop.
Throws handfuls of wet sand into the ocean

When charged with having a bad attitude
I'm nice! I have a happy face!

Erin: What if I put a little peanut butter on your banana?
Lily: (through tears) I don't want a little peanut butter! I want a LOT of peanut butter!

Bizzy-beeze : ginger beer

Out of the clear blue
Hey, Claire! Bo is in Africa!

Lily: Mommy, I didn't get rashes at church.
Mommy: Oh...that's good?
Lily: No. I need rashes from church.
*much confusion ensues* 
Erin: Do you mean ashes? On Ash Wednesday?
Lily: (exasperated) YES! RASHES!

After a discussion through the monitor confirming that she and Claire were still awake
Lily: Mommy, ask Trumpkin if she's awake! (Trumpkin : stuffed cat)
Erin: Trumpkin, are you awake?
Lily: (high-pitched voice) Yes!

Claire, your hair is very growing down.

What say a fox make?

Lily: I need Andy.
Erin: From Toy Story?
Lily: No. Andy for my booty.
Erin. Oh. A and D.

Lily: Mommy, Claire made someone upset.
Erin: Who did she make upset?
Lily: ME!

To Brynn
Here you go, little fella.

Lily: I ate slow as a turtle, and Claire ate fast as a hare.
Erin: Who told you that?
Lily: ME!

I'm rallergic to pollen.
Rallergic : You're + allergic

This is my old sister, Claire. My Claire Bear. She belongs to me!

Spills cereal
We have a problem!

Erin: ...and they'll be wearing nice clothes.
Lily: NOT bad clothes.

Stops walking halfway up the stairs
My knees stopped working.

I have a lot of not tee tee. That's all the tee tee I have.

Lily: I so sad.
Erin: Why?
Lily: Daddy's LOST!
Erin: No, he's not.
Lily: Where IS he?
Erin: He's at Duke.
Please read in a wailing tone.

The bug kept indivisible-ing, and we couldn't see it!
Indivisible-ing : disappearing

We're cleaning the van so clean!

Don't freeze her, Claire! That's a nice Mommy!
Claire was pretending to freeze me, a la Frozone from The Incredibles.

Chippy munk : chipmunk

There me are!
Giving away her position when we were playing hide-and-seek

You wait there. I'll be back in no time!
Said to a stuffed llama

Mommy, I love this day with you.

I want to be by my lone.

Aw...we're sharing toes!
Touching toes with Brynnie

Grandpa, will you be at our wedding?
Referring to Tim and Jenna's wedding. It has been appropriated as ours, it seems.

Grandpa! You can't be a flower girl. You're a BOY!

This day : today

Dexter is my guy. He's my best buddy.
Dexter is a stuffed chihuahua.

Erin: Where are the markers?
Lily: They're right here. Safely with me.

Mommy, now I brush your hair, so nicely and long like Punnell's.
Punnell : Rapunzel

I walked into the kitchen and found this vignette that Lily had orchestrated.

I hit my foot twice in one morning and was bemoaning the second stub.
Oh boy. Not again!

There's a red spot in my tummy.
i.e. I have an upset stomach.

Oh look. Brynnie's just scooting along.

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