Monday, September 2, 2019

Time with friends!

We have traveled the majority of the two summers before this one, so it was fun to be around a bit more this year and hang out with friends. We played inside, outside, at the museum...all kinds of playing and fun were had by all.

Lunch with friends

Waiting for a play date at the museum. Lily loves watching the alpacas.

Reading about alpacas...

Watching a video about the alpacas...

Thinking about how much we love alpacas.

On the stationary train, watching the moving train go by.

Climbing on dinosaurs

Park play date

Happy swinging girl

Play date at the park turned into creating a habitat for water beetles. They spent two solid hours interacting with the beetles.

More beetles

We love our museum and go a LOT. It's always more fun with friends!

Pygmy goats!

(the girls are in their suits because there are quite a few water activities- not because we just give up on clothes in the summer)

Practicing teeter totter skills

Me and MY friend

Water slide birthday party! I grabbed Lily's suit and no swim diaper + Brynnie's swim diaper and no suit. I CAN'T BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING, GUYS.

But whatever. It worked out.

A good time was had by all.

Especially this girl.

The girls with the birthday guy!

Claire's Kindy bff.

Such a fun party!

Brynnie with her baby bestie.

Some of the bestest little buds.

So thankful for our little friends (and also for their wonderful mommies). We're glad we get to do the growing up with these guys!

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