Thursday, June 11, 2020

Huntsville comes to DC! Part 3

One of my favorite parts of Huntsville comes to DC was that LK did a series of lessons about Ethiopia with the girls. She had only been back in the States for a few months at this point, after living and teaching in Ethiopia for four years. (Also, she's an elementary teacher by trade, so I was MORE THAN HAPPY to let an early childhood expert teach the girls for a bit!) It was so fun to watch her teach the girls learning about Ethiopia and working on projects that they explained to Mom, Dad, and me later. 

We believe that you need all the supplies AND all the stuffed animals in order to complete school work.

She even worked Brynnie into the mix.

Because our location in DC was amidst a plethora of international cuisine, we easily found an Ethiopian restaurant to get lunch from. Laura Kay picked out a list of foods for us, and we ended the Ethiopian lessons with an Ethiopian feast!

I was pretty proud of the girls for trying everything we put on their plates. They didn't love it all, but they were great sports.

LK also took on auntie duties and took the girls around the corner to Starbucks to get hot chocolate, which was a highlight of the visit for the girls.

The girls had such a blast playing with LK and Domeneque. They were so patient with our girls and took so much time with them, which just filled the girls' love buckets all the way to the brim.

Prepping pecan pies for me (Thanksgiving was just around the corner at this point, so they helped me out by getting this step taken care of early).  Lily LOVES to bake, so she had a blast with this.

I call this next series of pictures "Everybody Loves Brynnie:"

She just assumes that everyone is supposed to cuddle her.

Mom and Dad were around another day or so after Domeneque and LK headed out, so they got to hang out for our regular morning activities of letter games + building with recyclables:

Maybe they were in time out? Not sure.

Top hats!

So proud of her engineering skills.

We had such a great visit with our HSV family and friends and were so thankful that our loved ones took the time and made the efforts to come see us and spend time with us. It's not always an easy visit when three young children are involved, but we love when friends and family love us enough to do it anyway!

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