Monday, June 8, 2020

Mindy came to town!

Later in the week of our Arlington visit, WE had a visit from my friend, Mindy! Mindy and I met in 2008 before I moved to Ukraine and she moved to South America, and we have been friends ever since. She lives in Richmond now, so she texted to see if she could come for a quick weekend visit...and we were thrilled!

This wasn't the girls' first time meeting Mindy, but it had been a little over a year since they last met, which meant that she had renewed status as a Novelty Friend. Before she came, she asked me if I wanted her to bring anything. I said something like, "good quality adult conversation." And she delivered.

She showed up with gifts for the girls that bought us actual hours of quality talking time. She brought markers + princess pictures, as well as a kinetic sand kit. It was genius. And so very appreciated.

Showing the girls pictures from some of her visits to *I think* the rainforest near her South American home.

We played games...

...and coerced Brad to join us.

Lily just kind of draped herself on Mindy periodically.

She fit riiiiight in.

I really do have just fantastic friends. So many who make real efforts to see me and invest in our friendships, and I am so deeply grateful. Love you, Mindy!

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

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