Monday, April 23, 2012

I never thought I'd miss Jackson, but...

...there are definitely things I'm going to miss. Being only a few months out from our big move (sorry- we don't know when we're moving...we don't have that nailed down yet. We're still working on it!), I'm starting to think about and process the Jackson things that I really love. Some things don't surprise me at all...

Christ Community Church.
We LOVE our church. LOVE it. It is full of truly fantastic people who love God, love us, and love the Church. We've grown a lot and are constantly encouraged. We'll definitely miss events like Epiphany Progressive Dinner (did I never mention this? We totally have a progressive dinner for Epiphany. Love it.) and Jesus Feast and Easter. We'll miss the little guys that we take care of in nursery, our small group (choking back big tears), our church leadership, and our friends. The wedding or baby showers that happen about once a month. We'll miss it all.

Union University.
Not only does Union foot the Bill of our Lives, it's just a special place to us. We each spent four incredibly formative years of our lives here. We met here. We got engaged here. One of Union's Core Values is that it's People Focused (as a good Union alum and employee, I feel that I need to include the other three for you: Christ-Centered, Excellence-Driven, and Future-Directed.), and we love that about Union. The majority of the professors here hold terminal degrees and are widely respected in their fields, yet we know many of them on personal levels. We have meals in their homes, coffee with them on campus, and chats in the hallway. We go to church with at least 12 faculty/staff members that I can think of off the top of my head. It's an incredible place, and we will be SAD to leave it.

It's a pizza place. BEST BBQ chicken pizza in the world. YUM.

J Crib Urban Ministries.
Brad's been working with J Crib for 5 years. He's invested a lot of time, energy, and prayer into his guys. I've been volunteering in the kitchen for the past two years. We'll miss our fellow workers, in addition to the students that are a part of the program. Tonight, one of the gal small group leaders pulled me aside to tell me that she was thinking about us leaving the other day and realized how sad it would make her. That simultaneously made me sad and happy. Is that weird?

Our relationships.
Amiee will still be here! Rachael will be here, too! Amiee and I are super tight, and we're not looking forward to being a gazillion miles apart (again). We love our siblings and have enjoyed living so close to them. We'll also miss other friends, like Kyleigh and Karen and the other Kylie. Our church friends. Brad's mentor and friend, Dr. Padelford. We're not looking forward to the goodbyes.

Some things that I'll miss suprise me a little, though...

Particularly my Zumba class. I really enjoy those ladies and our instructor. Who'da thunk?

Our house.
I've grown rather attached to our little house over the past two years. We've gotten things settled and have our personalities stamped all over it. It will be sad to remove ourselves and leave it bare and empty. I hope it finds good people.

"My" Kroger.
Admittedly, I do not enjoy grocery shopping. When I got back from Ukraine, I had a minor freak-out about grocery shopping in a place with so many options. However, I've gotten into a groove, I know where things are, and I can map out a pretty efficient plan when I got buy groceries. Now, I'll have to start over. Shucks.

I get sentimental, apparently. This post reminds me of these two posts of yore. Sigh...I write when I have too many thoughts to process in my head. I expect there will be more posts like this to come. Have I made you want to visit Jackson yet? :)

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