Friday, August 27, 2021

Brad's cross-country adventure!

In mid-June, Brad went on a Great American Adventure! Tim and Jenna (and Zoey!) were moving from Minnesota to Southern California and needed to get their cars across the country. Brad, Tim, and Bill were the men for the job, so Bill and Brad headed to Minnesota to join Tim (and Tonka, their dog) for the journey.

Brad sent this picture pronto, as it was what we were most interested in. None of us had met Zoey in person until this. He assured me that she didn't cry or anything when he held her (Jenna later confirmed that Zoey really liked Uncle Brad. It makes sense- he has a lot of experience as a girl dad.).

Boswell men about to leave Minneapolis

But also: don't forget Tonka

First up: South Dakota! They included the Badlands and Mount Rushmore on the travel itinerary. 

Panoramic view of Brad's run on their first morning in SD

They got such cool pictures from the Badlands!

They didn't actually get to Wall Drug, but they got this evidence of being in near proximity.

Next: Mt. Rushmore!

I've always wanted to see Mt. Rushmore, but I've never been close enough to visit. Glad that Brad could!

They drove through Wyoming. Many of the pictures looked kind of like this.

After Wyoming, they spent a day in Park City, UT. Brad and Tim rented some mountain bikes and spent a few hours biking. They saw some beautiful landscapes! (And also...I'm not sad that I missed this part. Biking on mountain trails just does not sound like a good time to me...)

I'm just super glad he didn't fall off the mountain...

After Park City, they visited Kolob Canyons, which is part of Zion National Park. The views are just stunning (she says, as if she were there with them...).

Last stop: California! They made it with the cars AND Tonka, and Bill and Brad stayed for a few days to help with projects at the house. 

And Zoey STILL liked Uncle Brad!

They had a really good trip, overall, with so many cool stops along the way. I'm so glad Brad got to be a part of it! 

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