Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Challenge 2012

In a vein similar to Kat's and my unofficial Pinterest challenge, my sister, Amiee, and I have started another challenge (apparently, I love a good challenge...preferably something I know I can win). Amiee gives a lot of the backstory on how this started here. It did, in fact, start back in July when I was becoming weary of unpacking, folding, and loading ALL of Amiee's clothes into drawers in her dorm room. So much clothing! Then recently I saw all the awesome, Disney-inspired outfits (read: NOT costumes...we're not going to be dressing up like actual woodland creatures or pirates or Disney princesses) on Pinterest and knew I had to share them with Amiee.

For the past year, I've been following Marisa's journey over here, inspired by the movie Julie and Julia. Taking our cue from those ladies, Amiee and I created our Challenge.

If you didn't have time to follow the link to Amiee's blog above, here's a run-down of our 2012 Challenge:

1. For 2012, we are not going to buy any clothing or accessories that are not essentials (some exceptions apply, but they are few and far between). The goal is to use and newly appreciate what we already have.

2. Each week (not daily), we are going to pattern one outfit after something created by Disneybound (again, see here), using what we have in our closets. If we get bitten by the creative bug, maybe we'll scheme up our own ideas, too.

3. We're going to chronicle our challenge here on my blog, as well as on hers.

4. We are most definitely allowed to re-use pieces, but the goal is to create a new character-inspired outfit each week. We're still hammering out the details on whether or not we're "allowed" to do more than one version of the same character. Anyone want to chime in with thoughts?

5. Our outfits are not strictly limited to Disney characters; almost any "character" is up for grabs, as long as the outfit contains essential elements of the character. We're not too picky.

6. We're not connected to or affiliated with Disneybound or Pinterest. We just thought it would be a fun way to spend our wardrobe time in 2012. Here's hoping we didn't just bite off more than we can chew!

We realize the nerdy element of this challenge, but if it has us saving money, being grateful for what we have, and stretching our creativity, we think it's a winner. Amiee already has a bunch of characters ready to roll. I Mr. Smee from Peter Pan. Annnnnd, I can't use that one until the summer. I better get to work!

Hopefully, we'll be up and running the first week of January. If you have any ideas, send them on! Or if you have particular requests, we'll give it a shot. Wish us luck!

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