Friday, August 24, 2012

A couple quick updates.

Much like my (fake but I like to pretend that I know them) friends over at Young House Love, Brad and I are definitely taking the "live with it for a while until you know if you like it" approach to getting our apartment decorated and situated. Two small things that we accomplished this week were covering up one of the sets of wires and filling up the space above the toilet.

Firstly, we found out what all of the random wires are supposed to be for: mounted speakers. Huh. Who knew? However, since we're not planning to acquire mounted speakers, we're putting on our thinking caps for how to cover things up. I was sitting on the couch the other day, looking at our four (4) sets of dangling wires and came up with a solution for one of them. This one, in fact:

The solution? Move the door bell (we had to purchase and install one) from one side of the front door to right over the wires. So easy. And, so much easier on the eyes.

Stay tuned for an update on what things look like once Brad gets a Magic Eraser to this spot. He's a whiz with those things.

Secondly, I've shown pictures of the toilet nook before...although I was primarily focused on the outlet over the toilet and the full-length mirror across from the toilet. Brad and I had been talking about perhaps getting an over-the-toilet cabinet option, but nothing was satisfying both our aesthetic preferences or our budgetary allotment. So, I turned to Pinterest and found this option. So, using our Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift cards and a couple of coupons, we rigged up our own solution. We may change it up again after living with it for a while, but we're pretty happy with it for the moment. It fills up the space over the toilet and creates a bit more room in the linen closet. Double win.

There will be more changes to come (like perhaps finding a way to hide the cords in the bathroom...which go to the lamp on the back of the toilet and to a small fan). We'll keep you posted! 

Also, character outfits to come.

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