Saturday, December 9, 2017

It's been a while...

And it's time to play catch-up! Life's been busy, and blogging took a backseat. 

But, we have been living life and things have been going on, even if they haven't been blog-umented. However, since I keep this blog as a way to record the days of our life, I'm going to do a little back tracking. 

This is Brad's fourth year of Ph.d. work. What?? It's true! 
What this means:
1. He's completely done with coursework (technically, that was also true last year).
2. He's finished with his preliminary/comprehensive exams and is ABD (all but dissertation).
3. He's fully working on his dissertation (I'll explain the premise of his project sometime, if anyone is interested. Just let me know.). His particular project involves a lot of Greek translation (Byzantine, not Koine. There are just way too many different kinds of Greek, y'all.).
4. He's also the instructor of record (read: he has his very own real class) wherein he does teach Koine Greek (not Byzantine) to Div students. Because we're all about the Greek around here.

He's a busy little smarty-pants.

Claire is in 3-day-a-week/half-day preschool. Guys. She was MADE for preschool. She loves absolutely everything about it. She loves the creativity, the structure, the FRIENDS, the catchy songs and rhymes. Just everything. She's also old enough to go to children's church on Sundays and feels like such a big girl. Annnnd...every week when we pick her up, the leaders have a chuckle and story about something funny she has said. Pray for us.

Lily is still climbing things. And getting into things. I'm trying to keep things from getting too out of hand (read: keep her from playing in the toilet and/or climbing on the toilet to turn on the water and play in the bathroom sink (we actually got an additional lock for the bathroom (Claire can reach it, but Lily cannot.). Or climb on the deck furniture to get over the deck railings (it's at least a 6 foot drop to the ground.). I'm also trying to keep their closets stocked with the right size clothes because holy cow, those Boswell girls are growing long legs! Oh! And Lily is starting to talk. It's preshy (for now...I have a feeling it's going to grow bigger than we can imagine before too long).

(I've also been co-leading a small group for Women's Bible Study at church for a second year. I love my group and am really enjoying our study on Nehemiah. Not the only thing I've been up to, but this is a brief update.) 

We're wrapping up the semester and looking forward to Christmas break...then we move into another busy semester before we know it.

That's a very truncated version of our life recently. I'll expand some/play catch-up in the next few posts (hopefully). 

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Boswell beach trip 2022: part 1

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